Cell Phones and You

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
Health Education


9, 10, 11, 12


Students will consider positive and negative experiences they have with cell phones when it comes to their own learning and relationships in school. A quick share with classmates will scaffold background knowledge and promote a variety of perspectives. Students then view a graphic from AVL that contains information about cell phone policies in schools and reflect on their own school's policy. 

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 10 - Health Education


Describe the pros and cons of the use of technology as it affects personal, family, and community health.

Learning Objectives

Students will describe both pros and cons of using cell phones during school for themselves and others based on personal experience.

Activity Details

  1. Students will spend a brief time independently brainstorming at least one positive and one negative to cell phone use in school, using the graphic organizer. The teacher may choose to have students use the digital template or print copies for students.
  2. Students will “Turn and Talk” with a partner, sharing their thoughts and information added to their graphic organizer.
  3. The teacher will call on students to report something they or their partner said. Students will add to their graphic organizers if they hear compelling positives or negatives.
  4. The teacher will display or the students will view the digital tool “Cell Phone Policies…” from https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/LDIDRI913314067/OVIC?u=avlr&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=a6b71b45
  5. The teacher will ask students what they notice about the chart.
  6. The teacher will ask students to evaluate how they think their school's policies align with those on the “Cell Phone Policies…” graphic.
  7. Students will “Turn and Talk” about whether their school's policies and those displayed on the graphic represent fair and positive ways for students and staff to use cell phones in the school setting.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will call on students to share at least one pro/con of cell phone usage in school and its effects on personal health. The teacher may also conduct a visual check or collect graphic organizers listing at least one pro/con of cell phone usage in school.


Students can locate and read their school or system’s cell phone policy on the school or district website.


Students may work with a peer to generate their initial list of positives/negatives.

Background / Preparation

  • The teacher may incorporate their school’s cell phone policy into this discussion. If so, print or display the school cell phone policy or provide students with a link to that policy.
  • The information on the chart is displayed as a bar graph. The teacher may want to display the graph and review attributes of this type of graph.
  • Additionally, the activity refers to the "Turn and Talk" method of having students share with a partner for a minute or two prior to launching a whole-class discussion. The teacher may want to review this strategy with students or use a strategy that is already in place, such as "Pair and Share." 
  • Students will need to be able to accurately read a bar graph. No other prerequisites are needed for this activity. 

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Materials and Resources