Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Promoting Positive Use of Cell Phones in Schools

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
Health Education


9, 10, 11, 12


Following their research into the positive and negative effects of cell phone usage in schools, students will read a brief article that shares recommendations for healthy habits for young people with phones. Students will create a Public Service Announcement promoting healthy habits for peers. This Public Service Announcement will be shared with peers. 

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.

    Health Education (2019) Grade(s): 10 - Health Education


    Describe the pros and cons of the use of technology as it affects personal, family, and community health.

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 09-12


    Recognize and demonstrate age-appropriate responsible use of digital devices and resources as outlined in school/district rules.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • that schools/districts have rules in place to protect students.
    • that laws exist requiring schools to put measures in place to protect students.


    Students are able to:
    • identify appropriate responsible use of digital devices found in the school/district rules.
    • demonstrate appropriate responsible use of digital devices.
    • communicate reasons for appropriate responsible use of digital devices found in the school/district rules.


    Students understand that:
    • there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to use digital devices.
    • inappropriate use of devices has consequences in school and in the real world.
    • laws exist that require schools to monitor and/or censor internet access.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    • Students will develop a Public Service Announcement for an audience that promotes a positive habit regarding cell phones.
    • Students will evaluate school policies regarding cell phone use and determine if those policies are age appropriate.

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will have students preview the article at https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/AHHKOX315704395/OVIC?u=avlr&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=78dfd06b, especially the “6 Tips” listed.
    2. Students will select one of the tips from the article or from the previous lesson and create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) Poster for peers (alternatively, the audience could be younger students getting their first phone or parents of teens).
    3. Students will develop a one-page document that incorporates a topic, background image, or graphic and brief text to encourage the healthy use of cell phones. Students should consider the school's technology use policies when creating their PSA.
    4. Students will share or submit their PSA through a digital tool such as Padlet or their Learning Management System.
    5. Classmates can view some or all of their peers' PSAs, putting a heart/thumbs up/comment on any that they feel promotes a positive habit and reinforces school policies, if applicable.


    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher may wish to evaluate this on a S/N/U scale or a check plus/check/check minus scale since it is essentially a wrap-up to the main lesson. The teacher can also select several to display and discuss as a wrap-up.

    The one-pager should include the following:

    • Topic (cell phone tip)
    • Information about the topic
    • Appropriate tips on how to use cell phones in the school setting
    • Image or graphic

    The teacher will question students about their understanding of school policies and their purpose regarding cell phone use at school.


    Advanced students may wish to independently research digital citizenship or healthy digital habits to find a topic for their poster. Student posters can be shared with an actual audience through school news, digital signage, in a newsletter to parents, or printed for display.


    Students may use the read-aloud feature to read the article. The teacher may wish to allow students a choice in creating a digital or paper PSA.

    Variation Tips

    This lesson is intended to follow the activities Cell Phones and You (before activity) and Pros and Cons of Cell Phones in Schools (during activity). However, if the teacher wishes to skip those lessons, then this activity may be treated as a stand-alone activity.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    16 to 30 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Learning Activity (Before)

    Learning Activity (During)

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teachers should preview the article and be familiar with it prior to using it. 

    This lesson has students create a PSA. For the purposes of this lesson, the PSA is simply a picture or graphic with a text overlay and an audience of peers. If students are unfamiliar with the idea of PSAs, the teacher may wish to show an example, such as these hand-washing posters: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/posters.html 

    The teacher may wish to select an art tool that students are already familiar with or take this opportunity to introduce a new tool to students. Some tools might allow collaboration, such as shared Google Slides or PowerPoint. Other tools that would work well for this activity include Canva or Adobe Express or art apps such as Tayasui Sketches School or Bazaart. It is recommended that the teacher ask the school librarian or tech coach to co-teach if they are unfamiliar with these tools.

    Students must be familiar with their school's technology use policy. Students will need background knowledge of pros and cons of cell phone usage. 

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    • Internet-capable device for teacher
    • Projector and whiteboard for displaying information
    • Digital access to the article or a printed copy for students
    • Art Supplies (blank paper, colored pencils, markers, etc.) or digital art tool 
    • If using a digital art tool, reach out to your school librarian or tech coach for suggestions and/or instruction on using the tool

    Digital Tools / Resources