Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




For this activity, students will read an online article titled "Grammar Cop’s Winning Olympic Facts." They will see rules and information about the correct verbs to use with singular subjects and plural subjects, and also learn how to determine which verbs to use with tricky subjects like indefinite pronouns. They will fill out a guided notes form while reading this article, allowing them to have examples of subject-verb agreement to refer to later. 

This learning activity was created as a result of the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 5


Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing.



  • Demonstrate
  • Command
  • Conventions
  • Standard English grammar
  • Standard English usage


Students know:
  • Standard English grammar and usage conventions.


Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate correct standard English grammar and word usage in writing.


Students understand that:
  • Demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing is necessary to convey meaning.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 5


Use subject-verb agreement correctly when composing and revising writing.



  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Composing
  • Writing


  • A subject and its verb must both be singular or both plural.


  • Write sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.
  • Revise writing to ensure all sentences have correct subject-verb agreement.


  • To clearly communicate in writing, subjects and verbs must agree in number within each sentence.
  • Revising their writing can ensure it follows standard English grammar conventions.

Learning Objectives

The student will choose or supply the correct verb to agree with a subject.

The student will be able to identify mistakes in subject-verb agreement and correct them. The student will create a sentence in which the verb agrees with the subject.

Activity Details

The students will use the link to the article “Grammar Cop’s Winning Olympic Games” by Storyworks. While reading the online article, the students will fill in the guided notes which give examples of subject-verb agreement. On the back of the worksheet with the fill-in notes, students will correct a paragraph containing subject-verb agreement errors. Students will highlight verbs that do not agree with the sentence's subject and write in a verb that does agree. Then, students will create a sentence that includes the correct use of subject-verb agreement.

Link to Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes:

Assessment Strategies

The teacher may choose to take up the notes to check to see if the students got the correct answers. An answer key is included in the Advanced Preparation section. The teacher may also use questioning to see if students understand the concept of subject-verb agreement.


Students who have mastered the concept will write a paragraph of five-ten sentences and include five errors in subject-verb agreement. After teacher review, these can be used in a future activity in which the author of the paragraph leads peers who need additional help with subject-verb agreement to correct the errors in the student paragraphs.


The teacher may choose to scaffold this assignment by giving a word bank to students who are struggling with the concept.

A Word Bank is linked below:


Background / Preparation

Students should be familiar with Subject-Verb Agreement according to the previous grade's content standards and course of study. The students must have basic online navigational skills.

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources


1. Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes (printed out copies, or link assigned electronically)

2. Answer Key for Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes

3. Word Bank for Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes

4. Link to the AVL Resource provided by teacher to students

Subject Verb Agreement Guided Notes:

Answer key to Guided Notes:

Subject-Verb Agreement Word Bank


Link to Online Resource:

Citation for Online Resource:

Grammar Cop’s Winning Olympic Facts: Learn about the Olympic Games as you practice subject/verb agreement. (2020). Storyworks27(6), 27.

If link does not work, go to the Alabama Virtual Library homepage ( Click on the Middle School tab at the top. In the box on the top left that says, "Search the EBSCO Discovery Service," type in "Grammar Cop's Winning Olympic Facts."

The teacher should decide whether to assign this assessment electronically or on paper. If done electronically, the teacher will need to post the link with instructions on the school's online learning platform. If done on paper, the teacher will need to print the Subject-Verb Agreement Guided Notes and make copies.


1. laptop with access to the school's online learning platform (charged and ready for classroom use)

2. pencil

3. highlighter