Uncovering American Indian Cultures: What Do You See in This Photo?

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Social Studies




Students will look at a picture titled "Portrait of a Flathead Man." They will answer the question, "How does this picture help you understand anything about Native American culture?" This activity will activate students' prior knowledge about American Indians in North America.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 5


Distinguish differences among major American Indian cultures in North America according to geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.



  • belief system
  • community organization
  • distinguish
  • economy


Students know:
  • The description of major American Indian cultures including geographic regions, the use of natural resources, community organization, economy and belief systems and locate these nations on a map.


Students are able to:
  • Locate major American Indian nations on a map.
  • Distinguish American Indian cultural groups by examining the geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.


Students understand that:
  • The major American Indian cultures can be distinguished from one another based on geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to explain what they already know about American Indian cultures using the photo entitled "Portrait of A Flathead Man" as a visual prompt. 
  • Students will gather and share information about American Indian cultures.

Activity Details

1. Navigate to The Alabama Virtual Library. Click on Britannica School Elementary and search "Portrait of A Flathead Man". Click on "Images" and the first image is "Portrait of A Flathead Man".

2. Ask the students what they see in the photo that reminds them of things they have learned in the past about American Indian cultures.

3. Instruct students on how to join the digital sticky notepad (see Advanced Preparation for additional details). This can also be done with chart paper and sticky notes if digital devices are unavailable. 

4. Using the photo of "Portrait of A Flathead Man" as a prompt, direct students to post something they know about American Indian culture on the digital sticky notepad.

5. All of the students will be able to see what other students have responded. Students should review their classmates' responses. 

6. The teacher will lead a class discussion asking the students to share new or surprising things they have learned.

Assessment Strategies

1. The teacher will ask by a show of hands whether anyone learned anything new.

2. The teachers will observe students to ensure that all students post on the digital sticky notepad. Each student should respond with at least one thing they know about American Indian culture, either by looking at the digital image or by their background knowledge. 


Students can search for articles on American Indians to read in the elementary section of Britannica School in the AVL.


Students who need intervention can be asked to draw a picture of what they know about American Indian cultures.

Background / Preparation

Teacher Preparation:

First, the teacher will need a screen to project an image. Then the teacher will navigate to Alabama Virtual Library. Click on Britannica School Elementary; search "Portrait of a Flathead Man"; click on "Images". Click the first image entitled "Portrait of a Flathead Man". The teacher will need to decide on which digital sticky notepad to use, such as Padlet or Jamboard for student responses.

Student Preparation:

The students will not need any background knowledge with the exception that American Indians lived in North America before Europeans did. They will need a device to get online.


Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes

Materials and Resources

1. Interactive whiteboard or projector and computer to display online image.

2. Access to the internet and online Alabama Virtual Library.

3. Digital device for each student.

4. Navigate to The Alabama Virtual Library. Click on Britannica School Elementary and search "Portrait of A Flathead Man". Click on "Images" and the first image is "Portrait of A Flathead Man".

5. Suggested digital sticky notepads: Jamboard or Padlet.