Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The First Americans: Learning About American Indian Heritage

Subject Area

Social Studies




The teacher will share an article about the Pueblo Indians that includes the geography, economic, cultural, belief systems, and community organization of this tribe. After recognizing the elements of this tribe in the article, students will read a similar article on a tribe of their choosing. They will present information about this tribe in a slide show.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 5


    Distinguish differences among major American Indian cultures in North America according to geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.

    Unpacked Content



    • belief system
    • community organization
    • distinguish
    • economy


    Students know:
    • The description of major American Indian cultures including geographic regions, the use of natural resources, community organization, economy and belief systems and locate these nations on a map.


    Students are able to:
    • Locate major American Indian nations on a map.
    • Distinguish American Indian cultural groups by examining the geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.


    Students understand that:
    • The major American Indian cultures can be distinguished from one another based on geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to describe the geographic region, natural resources, community, economy, and beliefs of one American Indian tribe.

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will start out by telling the students they are going to learn about American Indians. 

    2. The teacher will display parts of the standard (geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems).

    3. The teacher will ask for volunteer readers of the article on the Pueblo tribe. 

    4. Students will look for the parts of the standard in the Pueblo article.

    5. The teacher will tell students that they will research an additional tribe and work in groups with others to create a slideshow.

    6. The teacher will provide a list of the elements of a tribe (geographic region, natural resources, community organization, economy, and belief systems). The teacher will explain that for some articles not all of the information will be listed, and some articles will have additional information.

    7. Students choose from Cherokee, Tlingit-Haida, Abenaki, Chickasaw, and other American Indian tribes under Gale in Context: Elementary, Social Studies, and Native American Tribes.

    8. The teacher will assign each student one element of the tribe listed in the standard; one student can be assigned to look for additional information in the article that is not one of the elements listed in the standard.

    9. The students will navigate to the Gale in Context Elementary, Social Studies, American Indian Tribes. After the student reaches the main page for the tribe, they should click "Keep Reading" to access the full article.

    10. Students will create a slideshow on a shared document in groups. They may choose to use the following template:



    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher will assess the student’s description of the geographic region, natural resources, community, economy, and beliefs of chosen American Indian tribe.


    Students can do additional research on American Indian tribes, especially on tribes that have not been researched.


    Struggling readers can choose the lower-level reading in the articles.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    46 to 60 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teacher Preparation:

    The teacher will need to read the articles in Gale in Context: Elementary, Social Studies, American Indian Tribes. Click on each of the tribe articles to read them: Cherokee, Tlingit-Haida, Abenaki, Chickasaw, and Pueblo Indians.  The teacher will also need an interactive whiteboard to share information with the students. The teacher will read the article "Pueblo" beforehand and compare it to the standard. The teacher will decide which elements of each tribe will be assigned to each group of students. The teacher needs to click "Keep Reading" to access the full article. The teacher will divide the students into groups.

    The teacher may need to decide which slideshow platform the students will use and what should be included in the slideshow. 

    Link to a Sample Template:


    Student Preparation:  None


    Materials and Resources

    Digital Tools / Resources