Professions in a Global World

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

World Languages


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


In this lesson, the students will use authentic websites and digital resources to find jobs which require knowledge of a World Language. The students will identify a job(s) of interest and then answer an e-mail regarding an interview time and ask additional questions of the company's manager.

This activity was created as a result of the World Languages Course of Study Resource Development Summit.


World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Exchange information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in a variety of time frames.



Students know:
  • the target language vocab for specific purposes.
  • how to use verbs in a variety of time frames (present, preterit, imperfect, future, conditional.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • ask and answer questions related to school subjects
  • have a simple conversation on a variety of concrete topics
  • relate information using basic informal commands
  • construct verbs using formations that indicate past actions
  • interpret meaning of question words when used in conversation and respond appropriately participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentence.
  • handle short social interactions in everyday situations.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • participate in a conversation on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences.
  • handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answreing a variety of questions.
  • usually say what they want to say about self and everyday life.


Intermediate-Low Level Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Intermediate Mid Level studnets understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics in a variety of time frames.



Students know:
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes including:
    • question words.
    • dates, times.
    • schedules.
    • travel (airport).
    • accepting/rejecting an invitaiton.
    • likes & dislikes.
    • compliments.
    • descriptive words.
    • messages for greeting cards.
    • services being offered on a variety of sitionations.
    • interests and daily routines.
    • sports.
    • jobs.
    • weather.
  • vocabulary related to travel, (customs forms, hotel registrations, information on ID.
  • and can use verbs in a variety of time frames.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • understand and determine types of listening sources
  • understand location and time of an event.
  • understand announcements (arrival/departure info, due dates, time and date of messages).
  • understand questions and statements about daily routines, interests, scheudles)
  • understand what is asked for on a form or application.
  • understand basic information in a variety of contexts (weather forcasts, job postings, biographical data).
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • understand the main idea and details of advertisements and announcements and messages.
  • understand the main idea and details of literary and non-literary texts.
  • understand questions asked for surveys questionaires and forms across a variety of contexts.
  • understand basic information given in ads, labels, brochures, erc across a variety of contexts
  • understand the who, what, where, when, why & how of literary & non-literary texts.


Intermediate-Low Level Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Interact using the target language within the classroom and globally in a variety of time frames.



Students know:
  • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
  • how to research and find information on various professional fields.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify places around the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places around the community where the target language is spoken.
  • engage a native speaker in conversation on familiar, daily life topics.
  • ask and answer simpler questions in speech and writing on familiar topics.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use target language vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate with target language.
  • speak inside and outside of the classroom across a variety of contexts.
  • reseach and identify job skills necessary to enter various professional fields using the target language.
  • use target language vocabulary and verbs in a variety of tenses to simulate real world interactions in the target culture.


Students understand that:
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • learning a second language will open doors for you professionally and personally.
  • using the target language to converse with the target language speakers and simulate real world interactions builds confidence for using the langauge globally.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.

Learning Objectives

  1. The learner will use the target language beyond the classroom environment by using the Internet to find authentic websites to learn more about topics studied in class.

  2. The learner will use the target language to acquire information related to jobs and careers in Spanish.

  3. The learner will use the target language to practice interpersonal writing (e-mail).

  4. The learner will interpret what is heard, read, or viewed in the target language in a variety of time frames by using background knowledge and will show understanding of the e-mail by responding appropriately.


Activity Details

Opening Strategy:

Students will be introduced to some vocabulary related to jobs /profession using the "List - Group- Label" strategy*. (The teacher can decide which vocabulary to have the students focus on.) This vocabulary will then be used throughout the lesson as a reference tool for students.

*In the "List-Group-Label" strategy, the teacher places a word on the board in the target language (Example: Profesiones) and asks the students to brainstorm words (taken from the chosen vocabulary) using a graphic organizer to organize the words and/or phrases. As a class, discuss whether any of the words or phrases should not be part of the list. Have students in small groups identify/describe the vocabulary/phrases. Then, students share their definitions/descriptions and give reasons (if applicable) for their choice of definition/description. 

Core Strategy:

Working in small groups, using a modified "Think-Pair-Share" strategy, the students will research the jobs that prefer to have someone who speaks more than one language. In pairs, students will discuss the jobs they found requiring or preferring someone who is proficient in more than one language and give a brief presentation to the class of their findings. 

The teacher will provide students with websites for searching for jobs. Suggested sites are Google, Indeed, Monster, and Mi Próximo Paso.  

While doing research, the students can fill out a graphic organizer to help them organize their information. (A sample is given in the Preparation section.)

Once finished, the students answer questions about which job they would most like to do, which ones require a second language, etc. (Example questions are provided on the sample in the Preparation section.)

The students will respond to a teacher-created “e-mail” regarding the time for their interview and any additional questions. Students will use the required elements to answer the e-mail. (Sample required elements are in the Preparation section.)

Closing Strategy:

Students complete an "Exit Card" with a reflection question. (Example: What job interested you the most? Why? or How will knowing another language help you in the future?) Students turn these in before leaving for the day.



Assessment Strategies

There are three opportunities for assessment in this activity:

1. Teachers may assess the graphic organizer used to organize the search for jobs that prefer a person who can speak a second language.

2. Teachers may assess the written e-mail response regarding the interview and any questions for the company's manager.

3. An informal assessment may be done with the "Exit cards" to determine student understanding of the concepts of the activity and or to investigate students' understanding of the importance of being able to communicate in another language in today's global economy.


Variation Tips

This assignment was created for a Spanish Level 3 classroom lesson and is only a portion of an entire unit.  Also, this activity, while it has Spanish examples, can be re-created in any target language.

Additional Activities for a longer lesson or small unit:


  1. After researching the available jobs and completing the graphic organizer with the information, filling out a sample application and responding to an e-mail from the boss of the company (s)he has applied to, the student will have an interview.

  2. Students may be given the sample interview questions ahead of time in order to have an idea of their responses, but responses should be spontaneous for the interpersonal speaking activity.

  3. The student interviews can be one on one with the teacher, in a group with the teacher, or in pairs or groups with peers. Students in a more advanced level could also come and do the interviews if appropriate.


  1. Students read about working in other countries and make a comparison of how the people in the students’ own culture work. This can range from the “Siesta” in Spain, during the middle of the day, to a much deeper level of types of work people do, economics, and how much people work in rural areas compared to the city, etc.

  2. The students make a compare and contrast to how/ways people work in the target culture and native culture.


Background / Preparation

1. Resources for job searches:


The classified ads of online newspapers and magazines of target culture in the target language may also be used.

2. Teachers will need to make a graphic organizer for the job research portion. A sample one for Spanish is below.

Busqueda de Trabajos

Using the link (or another source), search for at least three jobs that you would be interested in doing. As you find the jobs, fill out the form below in Spanish.  

Trabajo 1 -

Trabajo 2 -

Trabajo 3 -

Descripción de Trabajo

Descripción de Trabajo

Descripción de Trabajo






























3. Teachers will need to create an e-mail and requirements for the writing.

Sample E-mail & Requirements:

El Correo Electrónico

Has recibido un correo electrónico del gerente de la compañía en que solicitaste empleo. El correo está abajo: Contesta el correo electrónico completamente, siguiendo las instrucciones abajo.

Requisitos para el e-mail:

  1. Appropriate greeting

  2. Use Usted in the e-mail. Why wouldn’t you use tú?

  3. Offer thanks for giving you the opportunity to interview.

  4. State whether you can interview on that date or not.

  5. State why you think you would be a good candidate for the job.

  6. Ask two questions about the job.

  7. Offer thanks again and close the letter appropriately.