Natural Resources & Synthetic Materials

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area





In this lesson, the teacher models and describes the kinds of information students will be looking for in their research project on a synthetic product. This is done by using an example of a synthetic product that students make in the classroom: a gel worm (not for eating.) Students make it by combining a sodium alginate solution with a calcium chloride solution. The teacher uses this product to model answers to the three questions students need to answer in their research:

  1. What natural resources are used to make the synthetic product?
  2. What chemical processes are used to make the synthetic product?
  3. What are the negative and positive impacts to society of making and using the synthetic product, compared to making and using a more natural product with a similar function?

Students choose or are assigned a synthetic product to research. They investigate the product to answer the three questions. Students apply their learning to make an advertisement, poster, short video, or article about their synthetic product.

Students will be able to find and analyze information to describe that chemical processes are used to convert natural resources into synthetic materials and products. They will also be able to give examples of how the production of synthetic products has impacts, both positive and negative, on society.

Science (2015) Grade(s): 8


Construct explanations based on evidence from investigations to differentiate among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.



  • Molecule
  • Atom
  • Compound
  • Element
  • Mixture
  • Intermingled
  • Component
  • Physical means
  • Properties
  • Solution
  • Homogeneous
  • Solute
  • Solvent
  • Dissolve
  • Analyze
  • Synthetic
  • Natural resources
  • Society


Students know:
  • A molecule is formed when two or more atoms join together chemically.
  • A compound is a molecule that contains at least two different elements.
  • All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds.
  • A mixture consists of two or more different elements and/or compounds physically intermingled.
  • A mixture can be separated into its components by physical means, and often retains many of the properties of its components.
  • A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. A solution may exist in any phase.
  • A solution consists of a solute and a solvent. The solute is the substance that is dissolved in the solvent.
  • Synthetic materials are made by humans.
  • Synthetic materials can be derived from natural resources through chemical processes.
  • The effects of the production and use of synthetic materials have impacts on society.


Students are able to:
  • Articulate a statement that relates a given phenomenon to a scientific idea, including the differences among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Identify and use multiple valid and reliable sources of evidence to construct an explanation differentiating among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Use reasoning to connect the evidence and support an explanation of differences among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Identify and describe the phenomenon under investigation, which includes the differences among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Identify and describe the purpose of the investigation, which includes providing evidence of differences among compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Collect and record data, according to the given investigation plan.
  • Evaluate the data to determine the differences between compounds, mixtures, and solutions.
  • Obtain information about synthetic materials from published, grade-level appropriate material from multiple sources.
  • Determine and describe whether the gathered information is relevant.
  • Use information to illustrate how synthetic materials are derived from natural resources.
  • Use information to illustrate how synthetic materials impact society.


Students understand that:
  • Compounds, mixtures, and solutions can be differentiated from one another based on characteristics.
  • Synthetic materials come from natural resources.
  • Synthetic materials have an impact on society.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts


CR Resource Type

Lesson/Unit Plan

Resource Provider

American Chemical Society

License Type


Resource Provider other

American Chemical Society


Text Resources: Content is organized under headings and subheadings