Present information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the past time frame.
Present information on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the past time frame.
- how to describe their needs for school or work.
- how to express thoughts on topics of interest or current events.
- how to retell or present a short skit, poem, or song.
- how to describe common activities.
Students are able to:
- recall vocabulary from themes taught.
- correctly pronounce vowels and key phonetic sounds when presenting orally.
- correctly write sentences using correct punctuation and diacrytical markings.
- correctly type special characters, accent marks, or other markings necessary to the target language.
- differentiate between questions and statements.
- gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
- rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
- recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
- sing songs in the target language.
Students are able to:
- create command forms of verbs to give directions.
- identify patterns in past tense verb formations.
- form simple sentences using common idomatic expressions and/or vocabulary focusing on proper word order.
- recite short songs, skits, or readings from memory.
- effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
- the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
- other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.