Grimm Grammar

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Subject Area

World Languages


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


This resource is specifically for novice German learners as they learn how the German language grammatically works. This site brings the beloved Grimm Fairytale characters into the 21st century. As these characters adapt to modern-day challenges, students are able to see specific grammar points used in context.  Each part of speech is introduced by an overview and then further examined as students read the stories and see the concepts applied to communicative contexts using mostly discourse-length language samples.

World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.



Students know:
  • how to recognize similarities among root words in order to aid comprehension in the target language.
  • that conjugations can effect the formality/tone of the provided information.
  • that word order varies across langauge and may differ from their native language.
  • that some expressions (ex.
  • idiomatic expressions) may not translate literally from language to language.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • use diacritical markings to clarify meaning when writing.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.


Students understand that:
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.
World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language.



Students know:
  • how to recognize similarities among root words in order to aid comprehension in the target language.
  • which pronouns and verb forms to use in formal and informal situations.
  • how to politely ask for assistance or information.
  • how to greet and thank someone formally and informally.
  • that word order varies across langauges and may differ from their native language.
  • that some expressions (ex.
  • idomatic expressions) may not translate literally from language to language.


Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • use diacritical markings to clarify meaning when writing.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify which situations would require formal or informal forms of language.
  • use correct word order when writing and speaking about dates and descriptions.
  • recognize and use very common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.


Students understand that:
  • languages can show formality and informality in ways different from their native language.
  • cognates and false cognates exist between languages.
  • not every word or phrase has an equivalent translation in another language.
  • word order often differs between languages.
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.

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Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives