English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 11


Collaborate on writing tasks in diverse groups, making necessary compromises to accomplish a goal, sharing responsibility for collaborative work, and showing respect for the individual contributions of each group member.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Necessary skills to collaborate in diverse groups, such as compromising, sharing responsibility, and respect for others' opinions.
  • Grade-appropriate writing skills.


Students are able to:
  • Collaborate on writing tasks in diverse groups.
  • Make necessary compromises to accomplish a goal.
  • Share responsibility for collaborative work.
  • Show respect for the individual contributions of each group member.


Students understand that:
  • They will frequently collaborate with others to develop writing products in school and in the workplace.
  • Being an effective collaborator requires compromising, sharing responsibility for the work, and being respectful of others.


  • Collaborate
  • Writing tasks
  • Diverse groups
  • Compromises