
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


Communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains, using digital tools.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to entertain others.
  • how to locate directions or tutorials for working in digitial tools.
  • that communication has a specific purpose and audience.
  • that collaboration in digital tools can occur 24/7 in various locations.


Students are able to:
  • design communications using various digital tools that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
  • locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
  • explain the purpose of an artifact they create.
  • collaborate with peers in an online environment.


Students understand that:
  • various digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
  • directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
  • all communication has a purpose.


  • key ideas
  • informs
  • persuades
  • entertains
  • communicate
  • digital tools
  • collaborate
  • online environment
  • tutorial
  • artifact

COS Examples

Example: Create a digital presentation to persuade school administrators to allow additional time for lunch.