Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Natural Disasters

Subject Area

Social Studies
Digital Literacy and Computer Science




Each student becomes an expert on a natural disaster, investigating and discovering how they can prepare for it.  Students initially create traditional motivational posters using paper, pencils, markers, and crayons.  Then, students create an electronic version to motivate others to prepare for natural disasters.  Next, students create storyboards/scripts and digital stories on a natural disaster of their choosing to inform others of ways to prepare for natural disasters. 

This lesson was created as part of a collaboration between Alabama Technology in Motion and ALEX.  

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


    Communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains, using digital tools.

    Unpacked Content



    • key ideas
    • informs
    • persuades
    • entertains
    • communicate
    • digital tools
    • collaborate
    • online environment
    • tutorial
    • artifact


    Students know:
    • that digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
    • that digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
    • that digital tools are available that enable them to entertain others.
    • how to locate directions or tutorials for working in digitial tools.
    • that communication has a specific purpose and audience.
    • that collaboration in digital tools can occur 24/7 in various locations.


    Students are able to:
    • design communications using various digital tools that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
    • locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
    • explain the purpose of an artifact they create.
    • collaborate with peers in an online environment.


    Students understand that:
    • various digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
    • directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
    • all communication has a purpose.
    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


    Conduct basic keyword searches to produce valid, appropriate results, and evaluate results for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness.

    Unpacked Content



    • keyword
    • search
    • valid
    • true
    • accuracy/accurate
    • relevance/relevant


    Students know:
    • strategies to conduct keyword searches.
    • strategies evaluate the accuracy of information.
    • not all information online is valid or true.


    Students are able to:
    • conduct basic keyword searches using basic words and phrases.
    • explain how they know information located online is valid or true.


    Students understand that:
    • using specific keywords while searching will deliver best results.
    • not all information online is valid or true.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 3


    Identify ways to prepare for natural disasters.

    Unpacked Content



    • flood-prone areas
    • earthquake insurance
    • flood insurance
    • hurricane shelters
    • tornado shelters
    • emergency
    • evacuation routes


    Students know:
    • Appropriate ways to prepare for natural disasters in order to minimize negative effects.
    • Vocabulary: flood prone areas, earthquake insurance, flood insurance, hurricane shelters, tornado shelters


    Students are able to:
    • Establish an emergency plan.


    Students understand that:
    • There are appropriate ways to prepare for natural disasters in order to minimize negative effects.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    • I can identify and describe natural disasters.
    • I can describe ways to be responsible during natural disasters.
    • I can research and put my websites on Symbaloo for others to utilize and see.  
    • I can motivate others to be responsible during natural disasters by creating motivational posters.
    • I can inform others of ways to prepare for natural disasters by creating a script/storyboard and a digital story on a natural disaster of my choosing.

    Additional Learning Objective(s)

    • I can communicate and collaborate with others. 
    • I can explain how I can be responsible in everyday life.
    • I can utilize graphic organizers, and I can upload the graphic organizers to SeeSaw by taking pictures and using voice narration. 
    • I can create pencil and paper motivational posters and electronic motivational posters.  


    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Before Strategy/Engage: 

    Pose the Essential Question to students, How can I be responsible? (Students are answering the question relating to their responsibilities in all ways of life.)  Have the students turn and talk with partners to share their thinking.  After a few minutes, have a few volunteers share what they discussed with their partner to the class.  Give partners another chance to turn and talk a second time.  This time have students use a graphic organizer to organize their thinking while talking and sharing with their partner.  The graphic organizer will be a "Main Idea Tree."  The students will list How can I be responsible? as the main idea.  Then, the students can list ways they can be responsible in the details section (trunk section of the tree).  Tell students to brainstorm examples of things that relate to the Essential Question, How can I be responsible?  Ask students to think of things that happen every day in their lives.  After completing their graphic organizers, students will use the SeeSaw app to take a picture of their graphic organizer and share it on the class journal.  SeeSaw has a feature that allows students to use voice narration to explain the examples they placed on the graphic organizer.  Students are encouraged to work on this portion of the assignment in collaborative teams.


    During Strategy/Explore/Explain:

    Activity 1- Research

    As a class, discuss the question, “How can I motivate others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  After discussing this question, students will conduct research on the question.  Students will use a research tool to conduct research in collaborative groups.  Students will use Symbaloo to bookmark the websites/pages they find during research.  Here are some links that students may utilize to find information on natural disasters and on preparedness:

    Next, students will use their research to create motivational posters focusing on natural disasters.  Explain to students that it is similar to an ad in a newspaper.  For example, you might see an ad convincing someone to buy a product.  Tell the students they are making a poster to motivate people to prepare for natural disasters.  After completing their paper posters, students will then turn their paper posters into electronic posters.  Students will use Adobe Spark to create their poster.  If necessary, give students an example of a motivational poster for reference.   

    Students will also share their electronic posters on the Google Sites after completion.  The class will share one Google Site, so the teacher will upload the electronic poster after the students have completed it.  


    Activity 2- Digital Story

    After students have gathered their information and research, they will create a digital story about a natural disaster.  They will select one natural disaster to focus on.  They can utilize the research they have already gathered from the first activity, or they can find a book online or in the library to create a digital story. Pose the question, “How can I inform others to prepare for a natural disaster?”  Students will use information from their research to answer this question.  First, students must create a storyboard/script that has information about their selected natural disaster.  They may work independently or with a partner.  After students have completed their storyboard/script, they will start on their digital story. Here is an example of a storyboard/script that can be shared with the students as an example of what is expected. Students have a choice of using Screencast-O-Matic, Jing, or WeVideo to record their digital story. Here is an example of a digital story that can be shared with the class so the students will know what is expected of them.  Depending on the abilities of the students, different degrees of support and scaffolding may be needed.  Teachers in learner-centered classrooms should provide students with as much choice as possible while they are creating their products.  After students have finished their digital story, the teacher will add the student-created videos to a class Google Site.  The class Google Site link can be shared with parents and the school.  


    After Strategy/Explain, Elaborate:

    Revisit the question, “How can I be responsible?” Have students post a reflection on a teacher-created FlipGrid page on additional ways they can be prepared for natural disasters they may not have discussed in activity 2.  Encourage students to return to FlipGrid to watch their classmates’ responses in order to promote long-term retention of the information. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Graphic organizer- used for formative assessment

    Motivational posters- used as summative assessment

    Storyboard/Script Example- used to scaffold student creation of a digital story script and storyboard

    Digital Story Example- used to scaffold student creation of a digital story using information they discovered during the research of the lesson

    Storyboard/Script & Digital Story- used as summative assessment to assess if the students informed others of ways to prepare for natural disasters 


    Students can research the steps someone would take to buy earthquake or flood insurance.  They could make a plan, including the steps. 


    Students can draw and design a tornado shelter.  They can list items they would need inside the tornado shelter and tell why those items would be important.  


    Discuss emergency school plans with students before the lesson.


    Students can find items in magazines that they would need in a tornado shelter.  Then, they can cut those items out of the magazine and glue them onto a poster. 

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    Greater than 120 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Students should be able to have some basic internet keyword searching skills.  Students should also have the ability to identify key concepts and details from the text.  Teachers should have some use or familiarity in SeeSaw (allows students to create a digital portfolio using pictures with narration or videos), Adobe Spark (allows users to create online and mobile designs through the use of images, videos, and web pages), Google Sites (allows users to create and publish personalized websites), Jing (allow users to screencast on a computer by taking a picture or video of the user’s computer screen and uploading it), Screencast-O-Matic (allows users to screencast on a computer by taking a video of the user’s computer screen), WeVideo (allows users to capture, create, view, edit, and share movies), Google Docs (allows users to create and edit text documents in their web browsers), Symbaloo (allows users to create a personal start page that contains their favorite sites all in one interface), and FlipGrid (allows teachers to create questions that students respond to through recorded videos).

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Technology Resources Needed

    • Research Tools such as desktop computer, Chromebook, laptop, or iPad