Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an accomplished level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools and resources in developingand organizing musical ideas.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians' presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.
EQ: When is creative work ready to share?

Skills Examples

  • Reproduce music literature from a variety of historical periods, styles, and cultures.
  • Incorporate music technology and digital tools in performing or recorded music.
  • Improvise over familiar melodies using accompaniment software.
  • Improvise over familiar melodies using sequencing software.
  • Improvise and compose short compositions using a variety of digital tools and technology.
  • Demonstrate technical accuracy while using various digital tools.
  • Demonstrate proper signal flow when using digital tools
  • Describe equalization and mastering techniques.
Reading/ Writing
  • Identify analog and digital recording and editing techniques.
  • Identify music forms used in vocal and instrumental genres from various historical periods.
  • Discuss and analyze signal flow as it relates to audio interface connections.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Analyze and describe how form and technique help to convey the meaning of a given piece of music.
  • Trace the development of electronic music and digital tools from the 1980's to the present.
  • Discuss and write about the importance of intellectual property rights as it relates to music technology.


  • Click Track
  • Compound Meter
  • Duple
  • Mixed Meter
  • Quantize
  • Simple Meter
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Traditional Notation/ Music Symbols
  • Triple
  • Frequency
  • Instrumentation Choice
  • Interval
  • Key Signature (Minor)
  • Multitrack Recording
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Tone Generator
  • Transpose
  • Virtual Instruments
  • Atonal
  • Chord Progression
  • Consonance
  • Dissonance
  • Tension-Release
  • Transpose
  • Binary (AB)
  • Coda
  • Cut/ Paste
  • Editing
  • Interlude
  • Mixing
  • Sampling
  • Strophic
  • Style
  • Ternary (ABA)
  • Amplitude
  • Articulation
  • Delay
  • Electronic Music
  • Musique Concréte
  • Panning
  • Pitch Bending
  • Timbre
  • Tone Color
  • Bit
  • Bouncing (to)
  • Byte
  • Compress/ Compression
  • Copyright/ Intellectual Property Rights
  • Decibel (dB)
  • Difference between Digital and Analog Recording
  • Digital Audio
  • Workstation (DAW)
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Effect(s)
  • Equalization
  • Event List
  • Master Tracks (Tempo, Audio)
  • MIDI Controller
  • Panning
  • Patch
  • Piano Roll
  • Reverb (Reverberation)
  • Roll of Music Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music Styles (Classical genres, popular genres, etc.)
  • Synthesizer
  • Streaming
  • Sample (as in live instrument sample)
  • Sampling Rate
  • Sequence/ Sequencer

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.