
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Evaluate results and implement improvements for presenting media arts productions, considering impacts on personal growth and external effects.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

Skills Examples

  • Create a media arts product that uses at least two art forms to teach a concept that applies to at least two content areas. For example, using music and dance to teach the concept of a timeline with BCE/CE from social studies and positive and negative integers in math.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a media arts product and list the needed positions to complete the project. With guidance, work in a group to complete the project.
  • Create an original media arts product that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques to overcome the limitations of time, money, equipment, and experience.
  • Select, organize, and present a media arts product to educate your class on the history of media arts.
  • Make a branding plan from which to distribute your media art product to varied audiences. For example, share on Vimeo, Instagram, and in a podcast.
  • After sharing a media arts product across varied social media platforms, take comments from the audience and make revisions, reflecting on personal growth and how the product affected audiences.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.