
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Media Arts


Practice combining varied academic, arts, and media content into unified media arts products.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists integrate various forms and contents to develop complex, unified artworks.
EQ: How are complex media arts experiences constructed?

Skills Examples

  • With guidance, combine two art forms to teach the elements of a story through digital art, animation, or video.
  • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least once. The project will teach the main idea and the important details of a story from class.
  • Trade media arts projects with a classmate and with guidance change three things in the project.
  • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds for a media arts product.
  • With help, choose and present a YouTube video to your class. Respond to teacher questions about the presentation conditions after presenting.
  • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least once. The project should tell an original story.


  • big ideas
  • parts to whole
  • active listening
  • combining ideas
  • questioning for understanding
  • cooperating
  • add/ take away/ combine
  • trial and error
  • think/ imagine
  • playful practice
  • varied ideas
  • reaction
  • environment
  • feelings
  • five senses
  • Evaluate
    • improvement
    • possibilities
    • questioning
    • feedback
    • critical eye

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

COS Examples

Example: Students record narration to an animated science project.