Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Media Arts


Identify and share reactions to the presentation of media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

Skills Examples

  • With help, record themselves telling a story. Then, draw pictures of the story using software or an application. With help, combine the voice recording with drawings.
  • With a group, pick a story from class and choose how to present that story with images and sounds. Use the tools available to make a media arts presentation of that story.
  • Tell how to add to, subtract from, modify, or what can be substituted in a short video to change the story told.
  • Play with a new application/ media arts tool, and share with the class how it works.
  • Tell the jobs needed to make a short video or sound recording. Make a short video or sound recording with a group of classmates with one person working in each job needed.
  • Watch or listen to a series of short videos that tell different kinds of stories expressing different feelings. Tell the reactions to the stories to the class.


  • dance, music, visual art, drama
  • many ideas
  • add/ subtract/ modify/ substitute
  • what do we know or can learn
  • how much time do we have
  • what tools do we have
  • roles
  • jobs

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.