Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 3


Interpret a fraction as a number on the number line; locate or represent fractions on a number line diagram.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to use fraction strips as a model to connect to finding fractional parts on a number line.
  • Fractions are numbers that can be represented on a number line.
  • Fractions can be placed on the number line by marking off equal parts between two whole numbers.
  • Fractions equal to 1 have the same numerator and same denominator.
  • Fractions greater than 1 have a numerator that will be greater than the denominator.


Students are able to:
  • Represent fractions on a number line.
  • Locate fractions on a number line.
  • Use a number line and partition an interval from 0 to 1 into equal parts as specified by the denominator of a fraction.
  • Represent a non unit fraction on a number line by marking off unit fraction lengths as specified by the numerator from zero.
  • Extend the number line to include fractions greater than one as a continuation of counting unit fractions.


Students understand that:
  • A number line is a length model.
  • Fractions are numbers that represent a quantity less than, equal to, or greater than 1 and can be placed on a number line.
  • A number line can be partitioned to represent equal parts of a whole.


  • Fraction
  • Number line
  • Number line diagram
  • Unit fraction
  • Interval
  • Partition
  • Point
  • Denominator
  • Numerator