Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Identifying Responsible and Ethical Research Practices

Subject Area

English Language Arts


9, 10


To meet the content standard of “utiliz[ing] responsible and ethical research practices,” students must first identify what these practices are. In this activity, students will be assigned a style guide or set of standards to identify responsible and ethical research practices. They will add information from their assigned source to a class slideshow so that they may have a broad range of information on responsible and ethical research practices.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


    Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.

    Unpacked Content



    • Responsible research practices
    • Ethical research practices
    • Command of language
    • Target audience
    • Purpose


    Students know:
    • Responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Writing skills.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English.
    • Strategies to modify writing for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students are able to:
    • Write clear, coherent documents using responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent writing products.
    • Modify writing to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students understand that:
    • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when writing academic and workplace documents.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
    • Written language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


    Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to present clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.

    Unpacked Content



    • Responsible research practices
    • Ethical research practices
    • Command of language
    • Target audience
    • Purpose


    Students know:
    • Responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Presentation skills.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English.
    • Strategies to modify spoken language for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students are able to:
    • Present clear, coherent products using responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent presentations.
    • Modify spoken language to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students understand that:
    • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when creating academic and workplace presentations.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
    • Spoken language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


    Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.

    Unpacked Content



    • Responsible research practices
    • Ethical research practices
    • Command of language
    • Target audience
    • Purpose


    Students know:
    • Responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Writing skills.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English.
    • Strategies to modify writing for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students are able to:
    • Write clear, coherent documents using responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent writing products.
    • Modify writing to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students understand that:
    • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when writing academic and workplace documents.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
    • Written language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


    Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to present clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a target audience and purpose.

    Unpacked Content



    • Responsible research practices
    • Ethical research practices
    • Command of language
    • Target audience
    • Purpose


    Students know:
    • Responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Presentation skills.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English.
    • Strategies to modify spoken language for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students are able to:
    • Present clear, coherent products using responsible and ethical research practices.
    • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent presentations.
    • Modify spoken language to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


    Students understand that:
    • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when creating academic and workplace presentations.
    • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
    • Spoken language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will identify responsible and ethical research practices.

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will explain that students will be accessing websites that will help them identify research practices that are responsible and ethical and practices that are not responsible and ethical. 
    2. The teacher will share the slideshow with students. 
    3. The teacher will group students and assign each group a website to explore. The websites are linked within the slideshow. 
    4. The students will visit their assigned websites and add information from the site to the assigned slide. 
    5. Students will select a representative from the group to share their slide with the class. 
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    • The teacher may monitor group discussions and slide contributions to ensure that students are successfully identifying responsible and ethical research practices within the assigned text.
    • The teacher may evaluate the slideshow created by the students to ensure that students have successfully identified responsible and ethical research practices within the assigned text. 


    Accelerated students may search for other sites for information about research practices and add informational slides to the presentation. 





    Students who need support may be assigned small portions within the website explored by the group.



    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 45 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teacher Preparation: To prepare for this activity, teachers should preview the sites that students will examine during the presentation. They should be prepared to help students find their school district’s Acceptable Use Policy. The teacher may have taught the Before activity on Defining Responsible and Ethical so that students know the types of research practices that they are looking for. The teacher should also make a copy of the slides presentation and make this accessible to students. The teacher will also need to decide how to divide the students into five groups and assign group roles. 

    Student Preparation: Students may have participated in the before activity on Defining Responsible and Ethical so that they know the types of research practices they are looking for. Students should be familiar with group work protocols.


    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Teacher Materials:

    Student Materials:

    Digital Tools / Resources