Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Seven Steps to Successful Writing

Subject Area

English Language Arts




This activity serves to introduce or refresh students about the steps in the writing process before writing an essay. This is a pre-test to see what the students know before writing an essay. It gives the definitions of the seven steps and can be used to study throughout the course of the year.

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 6


    Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.

    Unpacked Content



    • Writing process
    • Plan
    • Draft
    • Revise
    • Edit
    • Publish
    • Genres


    Students know:
    • The writing process steps are to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish.
    • Various genres of writing.


    Students are able to:
    • Plan writings in various genres.
    • Draft writings in various genres.
    • Revise writings in various genres.
    • Edit writings in various genres.
    • Publish writings in various genres.


    Students understand that:
    • The writing process is a set of steps that make writing easier.
    • There are different categories, or genres, of writing that can be used for different purposes.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to describe the steps in the writing process, including planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. 

    Activity Details

    Teachers: Before you begin writing essays, this would be a great introduction (and refresher throughout the year) to get students prepared to be successful with the writing process. 

    Step 1: Create or log into a Google account and make a copy of this Google Doc titled, "The Writing Process Pre-Test." 

    Step 2: Print out page one for each student to write on and keep a copy to study from. Print out page two for the teacher to refer to for the answer key. 

    Step 3: Introduce the pre-test and read over the instructions with the students. Treat the assignment as a test to determine what the students might already know and what they need to learn. This would be a great time to walk around the class and observe the students.

    Step 4: Allow the students to grade their own paper as the teacher gives the correct answers out loud. The teacher can choose to collect the student's work to see where they are on the assignment, this helps the teacher to know how to teach moving forward. 

    Step 5: As a class, create an anchor chart with all the steps in the correct order. This is an example but is missing a step. I would use this as an example to refer to but add more or less for what you prefer. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Students will write their answers to the pre-test 7 Steps in The Writing Process and as a class create an anchor chart to remember the process. As the teacher observes the student's answers, the teacher can measure how much additional instruction the students may need to utilize The Writing Process. 


    Advanced students who might finish early can write down an explanation of the difference between "Editing" and "Revising."


    The teacher can put students into small groups and have the students take the pre-test together while they discuss their reasons out loud. 

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    16 to 30 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Learning Activity (Before)

    Learning Activity (During)

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    • Create or log into a Google account and make a copy of this Google Doc titled, "The Writing Process Pre-Test." 
    • Print out page one for each student to write on and keep a copy to study from. Print out page two for the teacher to refer to for the answer key. 
    • The teacher should have an anchor chart or poster board with markers available to create and review The Writing Process as a class. A student-artist(s) can help create the chart if desired.

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    The Writing Process Pre-Test (print and copy for each student)

    Anchor chart paper or poster board and markers

    Student digital devices, such as laptops, desktops, or tablets

    Digital Tools / Resources