Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this learning activity, students will be introduced to the many jobs of Paul Revere and how he helped to contribute to the American Revolution.  The students will listen to a rap song about Paul Revere's famous midnight ride and will collaboratively complete a picture frame graphic organizer about Paul Revere to highlight his contributions to the American Revolution.

This alignment results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 5


    Identify major events of the American Revolution, including the battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and Yorktown.

    Unpacked Content



    • identify
    • evaluate
    • contributions
    • principles
    • mobilize
    • Committees of Correspondence
    • Liberty
    • boycott
    • Continental Congress
    • ordinary citizens
    • American Revolution
    • declaration
    • financier
    • popular sovereignty
    • limited government
    • bicameral
    • unicameral
    • Great Compromise
    • Annapolis Convention


    Students know:
    • The major events of the American Revolution as it relates to the battles and other events.
    • The principles contained in the Declaration of Independence.
    • The contributions of significant people and supporters of the American Revolution.
    • The contributions of African Americans, women, merchants and farmers.
    • The efforts used to gain support for the American Revolution by the Minutemen, Committees of Correspondence, First Continental Congress, Sons of Liberty, boycotts, and the Second Continental Congress.
    • The location on a map of major battles during the American Revolution.
    • The reasons for colonial victory in the American Revolution.
    • The effect of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 on the development of the United States.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify, describe, and evaluate events, individuals, and groups important in historic events.
    • Examine and interpret historic documents. Compare and contrast the contributions of significant people and events.
    • Identify the contribution ordinary people such as Haym Solomon.
    • Describe the contributions of Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, George Washington, and supporters from other countries to the American Revolution.


    Students understand that:
    • Through the events of the American Revolution and the contributions of many people, the United States gained independence from Great Britain.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will be able to explain the contributions of Paul Revere to the American Revolution.

    Activity Details

    As an introduction to this learning activity, when students come into the classroom, have a table set up like you are hosting a Colonial Tea Party for the students. Use a metal or silver teapot if you have one. Explain to the students that a tea party was a fun part of every day for the Colonists and is still done today in England.  Ask the students, "Who might have made a silver teapot for a tea party in Boston?" (a silversmith) Tell the students there was a very well-known silversmith at the time named Paul Revere, but he was more than a silversmith and today we will highlight some of the jobs of Paul Revere and how he helped during the Revolutionary War.

    Play the video: Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    Partner students and distribute the Picture Frame Graphic Organizers (one per pair of students).  Explain that each pair of students will collaboratively work together to complete the graphic organizer highlighting Paul Revere's contributions to the American Revolution. 

    • In the center box of the frame, students should draw a picture of Paul Revere. 
    • In the top box of the frame, write Paul Revere's name.  In the bottom part of the frame, write two detailed sentences describing how Paul Revere helped during the American Revolution. 
    • In the left box of the frame, students write a personal response (something the Paul Revere may have said or done related to the American Revolution).
    • In the right box of the frame, students will write one thing they wish they knew more about Paul Revere. (What questions do they still have?)

    *Students may use the internet to gather information to complete this section or use information from the rap song.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The students will be assessed on the Picture Frame Graphic Organizer.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need to prepare a table in the classroom for a tea party with a silver or metal teapot if possible.  

    Picture Frame Graphic Organizer (one copy per pair of students)


    *Optional - serve sweetened tea, pound cake or cookies, dried fruits, & nuts.

    Digital Tools / Resources