

  • identify
  • evaluate
  • contributions
  • principles
  • mobilize
  • Committees of Correspondence
  • Liberty
  • boycott
  • Continental Congress
  • ordinary citizens
  • American Revolution
  • declaration
  • financier
  • popular sovereignty
  • limited government
  • bicameral
  • unicameral
  • Great Compromise
  • Annapolis Convention


Students know:
  • The major events of the American Revolution as it relates to the battles and other events.
  • The principles contained in the Declaration of Independence.
  • The contributions of significant people and supporters of the American Revolution.
  • The contributions of African Americans, women, merchants and farmers.
  • The efforts used to gain support for the American Revolution by the Minutemen, Committees of Correspondence, First Continental Congress, Sons of Liberty, boycotts, and the Second Continental Congress.
  • The location on a map of major battles during the American Revolution.
  • The reasons for colonial victory in the American Revolution.
  • The effect of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 on the development of the United States.


Students are able to:
  • Identify, describe, and evaluate events, individuals, and groups important in historic events.
  • Examine and interpret historic documents. Compare and contrast the contributions of significant people and events.
  • Identify the contribution ordinary people such as Haym Solomon.
  • Describe the contributions of Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, George Washington, and supporters from other countries to the American Revolution.


Students understand that:
  • Through the events of the American Revolution and the contributions of many people, the United States gained independence from Great Britain.