Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Energy in Song

Subject Area





This resource can be used as a culminating activity on the concepts of potential and kinetic energy. The students will watch a four-minute music video that includes a vast "Rube Goldberg machine". The students will attempt to identify different types of energy, including different forms of potential and kinetic energy.

This activity is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Science (2015) Grade(s): 8


    Use models to construct an explanation of how a system of objects may contain varying types and amounts of potential energy (e.g., observing the movement of a roller coaster cart at various inclines, changing the tension in a rubber band, varying the number of batteries connected in a series, observing a balloon with static electrical charge being brought closer to a classmate’s hair).

    Unpacked Content



    • Model
    • System
    • Potential energy
    • Force
    • Electric force
    • Magnetic force
    • Gravitational force


    Students know:
    • Potential energy is stored energy.
    • When two objects interact a distance, each one exerts a force on the other that can cause energy to be transferred to or from an object. The exerted forces may include electric, magnetic, or gravitational forces.
    • As the relative position of two objects (neutral, charged, magnetic) changes, the potential energy of the system (associated with interactions via electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces) changes.
    • Elastic potential energy is potential energy stored as a result of work done to an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring. It is equal to the work done to stretch the spring, which depends upon the spring constant k as well as the distance stretched.


    Students are able to:
    • Use a model of a system containing varying types and amounts of potential energy and identify the relevant components.
    • Describe the relationships between components of the model.
    • Articulate a statement that relates a given phenomenon to a scientific idea, including how a system of objects may contain varying types and amounts of potential energy.


    Students understand that:
    • The types of potential energy in a system of objects may include electric, magnetic, or gravitational potential energy.
    • The amount of potential energy in a system of objects changes when the distance between stationary objects interacting in the system changes because a force has to be applied to move two attracting objects farther apart, or a force has to be applied to move two repelling objects closer together, both resulting in a transfer of energy to the system.

    Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Developing and Using Models

    Crosscutting Concepts

    Systems and System Models


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    I can identify different forms of potential and kinetic energy.

    I can describe energy transfer and identify examples.

    I can differentiate between gravitational and elastic potential energy.

    Activity Details

    The students will watch the following OK Go music video, either display the video for the entire class or share the link and allow them to watch it on their devices. This music video includes a "Rube Goldberg machine" with many different examples of potential and kinetic energy. Have the students record at least three examples of potential and kinetic energy that they observe in the video. There are numerous examples of potential and kinetic energy, so the students should not have trouble coming up with a minimum of three different examples. The teacher should lead a class discussion after the students have had appropriate viewing time.

    The following questions could be used for whole class discussion:

    1. What was the source of the energy that started the machine?
    2. Where did the energy come from that kept the machine going until the end of the video?
    3. During the video, did every form of potential energy that you observed eventually transform into kinetic energy?
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher should assess student comprehension through teacher questioning and class discussions. This resource may be used to assess student learning and gauge if the material needs to be re-taught or reviewed. The teacher can use this activity to plan future lessons and/or assessments.

    Variation Tips

    While looking for potential and kinetic energy in the video, the teacher may choose to let the students work in pairs and create the list. 

    The teacher could include a discussion of gravitational and elastic potential energy. Further, the teacher could have students differentiate between the two when they are looking for examples of potential energy.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    The teacher will need a way to display the music video, either by displaying the video for the whole class or secure individual electronic devices for the students.  

    Digital Tools / Resources