

  • Model
  • System
  • Potential energy
  • Force
  • Electric force
  • Magnetic force
  • Gravitational force


Students know:
  • Potential energy is stored energy.
  • When two objects interact a distance, each one exerts a force on the other that can cause energy to be transferred to or from an object. The exerted forces may include electric, magnetic, or gravitational forces.
  • As the relative position of two objects (neutral, charged, magnetic) changes, the potential energy of the system (associated with interactions via electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces) changes.
  • Elastic potential energy is potential energy stored as a result of work done to an elastic object, such as the stretching of a spring. It is equal to the work done to stretch the spring, which depends upon the spring constant k as well as the distance stretched.


Students are able to:
  • Use a model of a system containing varying types and amounts of potential energy and identify the relevant components.
  • Describe the relationships between components of the model.
  • Articulate a statement that relates a given phenomenon to a scientific idea, including how a system of objects may contain varying types and amounts of potential energy.


Students understand that:
  • The types of potential energy in a system of objects may include electric, magnetic, or gravitational potential energy.
  • The amount of potential energy in a system of objects changes when the distance between stationary objects interacting in the system changes because a force has to be applied to move two attracting objects farther apart, or a force has to be applied to move two repelling objects closer together, both resulting in a transfer of energy to the system.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models