Collaborate on a scene in a guided drama experience.
COS Examples
Example: Improvise an alternative ending to Goldilocks and the Three Bears.““
Collaborate on a scene in a guided drama experience.
COS Examples
Example: Improvise an alternative ending to Goldilocks and the Three Bears.““
Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EQ: How are the theatre artist's processes and the audience's perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?
Skills Examples
- Point out the artistic and technical choices made during a chosen piece (movement, props, and other technical elements).
- Students observe or participate in a dramatic/ theatrical work with appropriate behavior (e.g., applauding, remaining attentive, avoiding distracting behaviors, etc.).
- Identify multiple personal experiences when participating in or observing a dramatic/ theatrical work.
- Explain one's own personal preferences in regard to theatre, and analyze how that preference might color one's judgment of a theatrical work.
- Explain how a theatre performance affects one's emotions.
- Identify cause and effect in a chosen drama or story.
- Discuss and compare the feelings a scene might bring forth. Are those feelings the same as the feelings of the characters? How might alternative feelings affect the scene?
- Identify a character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., excitement by bouncing in a seat, anger in slamming a door or yelling, etc.).
- Make connections between oneself and the character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work and be able to explain how those connections are made (e.g., being able to connect the work to a personal memory or being able to explain how the student might respond similarly or differently in a similar situation in the student's own life).
- Recognize why audiences evaluate dramatic/ theatrical works (e.g., to determine whether or not to see it again or suggest it to a friend, to influence sales, to inspire their own work, etc.).
- Analyze the props and costumes from multiple drama/theatrical works. Be able to explain how they contribute to the story or characters in the work.
- cause and effect
- personal preferences
Theatrical production