Students will analyze art focusing on juxtaposition. Students will be divided into three groups - setting, objects, and figures. Each group will work in secret to create their part of a large mural painting. Classmates will work together to organize the mural. Assessment rubric, letter to parents, examples of artwork, and lesson plan included in PDF.
Students will analyze art using their journals and sharing their criticism with the class. They will use four approaches to analyze - formal, historical/cultural, narrative, and personal. Assessment rubric, letter to parents, examples of artwork, and lesson plan included in PDF.
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Students will identify adjectives in the book Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley. They will choose an adjective and a shape to create an adjective monster using construction paper and chalk/crayon. They will create features using paper sculpture techniques.
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Students will echo sing the lyrics from the book Over in the Jungle by Marianne Berkes. They will brainstorm different habitats and animals. They will use clay to create an animal from one of the habitats. The teacher will photograph the animals and make a presentation for the class.
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Students will discuss key details from the book Ten Little Rabbits by Virginia Grossman. They will compare Navajo blankets to the colors and patterns in the book. They will perform movements following a pattern from the book. Students will collaborate to create a movement pattern that relates to weaving.
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Students will discuss the life cycle of the butterfly. They will observe the characteristics of the monarch butterfly. They will brainstorm movements to choreograph the life cycle of the monarch butterfly.
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Students will view and describe two cyanotypes. The class will write a poem describing an object in nature. Students will create a balanced composition using found objects from nature on NaturePrint Paper. They will write a cinquain poem to describe their composition.
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Students will review colors, shapes, and lines. They will analyze the painting, Irises, by Vincent van Gogh. They will draw flowers using crayons. They will create a crayon-resist using green and blue watercolors.
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Students will observe dance movements in drawings and paintings. Students will work in pairs and do simple gesture drawings of their partner in a dance pose. They will choose a sketch to make a new drawing and paint it with watercolors. They will write a persuasive essay discussing the importance of dance in schools. Students will work in groups to choreograph a short dance.
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Students will analyze the painting A Centennial of Independence by Henri Rousseau. They will draw a scene of a team doing an outdoor activity. They will use crayons or colored pencils to draw their scenes.
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Students will analyze a still-life photograph. They will gather objects with a variety of shapes and textures to produce a still-life piece. They will arrange the objects for balance and experiment with light sources. They will sketch their design and then photograph the items. They will compose a descriptive poem about their still-life photograph.
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Students will compare life in the Middle Ages to present day. They will analyze illuminated manuscripts and bestiaries. They will identify complementary colors on a color wheel. They will sketch an imagined fantastical beast. They will use colored pencils and pastels to illustrate their beasts.
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Students will analyze the Pilgrim Flask, identifying that grotesque designs include both ugly and beautiful elements. They will sketch a design of the pilgrim bottle using pencils and a blue crayon. Students will work in groups to create a grotesque door panel that includes symmetry. They will analyze a grotesque poem and compose a contradiction poem.
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Students will analyze Bernard van Risenburgh's Double Desk. They will design and describe their own ultimate desk. They will listen to and analyze Baroque music. Working in groups, students will construct a desk from cardboard and tape. They will decorate the veneer for their desk.
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Students will analyze Villagers on Their Way to Church by Simon Bening. They will discuss family traditions. They will write about and create a design of a family tradition. They will use watercolors, paper cutouts, and sketching.
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Students will analyze Python Killing a Gnu by Antoine-Louis Barye. They will identify a sculpture as three-dimensional. They will explore creating different textures in modeling clay. They will make a snake with the clay. They will create a three-dimensional setting for their snake.
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Students will analyze a painting depicting a family. They will use modeling clay to create sculptures of family members. They will use markers to add features and hair and clothe the sculpture using scrap fabric or paper. They will create a room for the family members in a diorama box.
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Students will analyze a photograph and photo collage of the Pearblossom Highway. They will define and identify linear perspective, horizon line, and vanishing point. They will draw a road through a desert landscape using one-point perspective. They will complete the landscape using colored pencils.
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Students will analyze Chandelier by Gérard-Jean Galle. They will make a papier-mâché hot air balloon sculpture. They will decorate the ballon by making patterns using shapes, paint, drawings, or stickers.
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Students will analyze A Storm on the Mediterranean Coast and A Calm at a Mediterranean Port by Claude-Joseph Vernet. They will choose to paint a stormy or calm landscape. They will use colored pencils to draw objects in the foreground and middle ground. They will use watercolors to paint the sky.
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Students will analyze Jacques-Louis David's painting The Sisters Zénaïde and Charlotte Bonaparte. They will compose a fairy tale based on the painting. They will illustrate a scene from their original fairy tale.
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Students will analyze Waiting by Edgar Degas. Working in groups, students will create a story about the two women in the painting. They will create a pastel drawing of a time they had to wait for something. They will write a story describing their painting. They will compare and contrast their painting and Waiting.
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Students will analyze Jan Brueghel's painting The Entry of the Animals into Noah's Ark focusing on shape, color, and texture. They will choose their favorite animal and draw it using color and lines to imitate the texture of the animal's skin, feathers, or fur.
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Students will analyze Edmund Teske's photographs that use montages and double exposures. Using a 35mm camera, students will create double exposure photographs. Students will take pictures of landscapes, the teacher will rewind the film, and students will then take classmates' pictures on the same roll of film. Students will cut printed photographs in half and draw the other half of their faces using colored pencils. They will compose a diamonte poem based on their artwork.
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Students will analyze images from Joris Hoefnagel's Mira calligraphiae monumenta. They will illustrate a figurative saying featuring an animal, such as a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or personification. They will write the saying in ornate font and draw the animals using pens, colored pencils, or markers.
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Students will explore ancient Roman history. They will discuss and analyze different stories and images of statues. They will create a statue and write a narrative about the sculpture.
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Students will analyze a small corner of a painting, focusing on color, line, shape, mood, and imagery. They will each be given a small portion of the larger painting. They will sketch their portion after analyzing it. Finally, students will put their sketches together like a puzzle to form the entire painting.
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Students will analyze Sebastiano Ricci's Perseus Confronting Phineus with the Head of Medusa. They will discuss the story elements found in the painting, such as setting, characters, and actions. Students will be given a print of a painting and write a narrative based on the characters and setting. Based on their narrative, students will illustrate what happened before and after the given painting.
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Students will discuss how animals camouflage and the reasons why animals use camouflage in the wild. They will analyze A Hare in the Forest by Hans Hoffman. They will find animals that are camouflaged in the painting. Students will draw an animal that uses camouflage. They will create a crayon resist and use watercolors to fill their piece.
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Students will analyze decorated letters from illuminated manuscripts. They will create a paper collage using an outline of a letter. They will draw an animal that begins with the same letter. Images will be compiled to create a class alphabet book.
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Students will measure space and furniture using their feet. They will analyze Bed (Lit à la Turque) by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard. At home, students will sketch their bed and measure it with their feet. In class, the students will compare and contrast the size of their bed with Bed (Lit à la Polonaise).
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Students will explore architecture and the job of an architect. They will discuss the difference between organic and geometric shapes. They will sketch the outside of the school building. Students will trace sketch lines with black crayons to create a wax resist. They will paint the building with watercolors.
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Students will analyze paintings of landscapes, focusing on texture. They will sketch an imagined landscape. They will create textures using rubbings and write a letter to a friend or family member describing their landscape. The drawing will be glued to the front of a postcard with the letter on the back.
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Students will analyze illuminated manuscripts. They will identify decorated initials, historiated initials, borders, illuminations, parchment, and scribe. They will write a fairy tale and illustrate it in the style of illuminated manuscripts.
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Students will analyze two beds, Lit à Polonaise and Lit à Turque. They will draw a bed using three-dimensional drawing techniques. They will build and paint a three-dimensional model of the bed.