Demonstrate clear directional movement that changes body shape, facings, or pathway in space.
Examples: Identify symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes and examine relationships between body parts. Differentiate between circling and turning as two separate ways of continuous directional change.
Demonstrate movement on the accented beat in duple and triple meter.
Example: Waltz, triplet, walking, or marching.
Select specific adverbs and adjectives and apply them to movements.
Example: Bouncy leap or floppy fall.
Demonstrate a range of locomotor and non-locomotor movements that alternate between personal space and general space.
Example: Skipping across the floor followed by skipping in place.
Demonstrate safe movement in a variety of spatial relationships and formations with other dancers, sharing and maintaining personal space.
Self-adjust and modify movements with an awareness of personal space and general space.
Perform a dance in a space where the audience and performers occupy different areas while focusing on projecting to the audience.
Utilize limited production elements.
Examples: Multimedia equipment, scenery, costumes, or lighting.
Recognize dance movements that develop a pattern.
Example: Identify a movement that repeats within a phrase.
Observe or perform dance movements from a specific genre or culture and describe or demonstrate the movements.
Use context cues from movement to identify meaning and intent in a dance, using simple dance terminology.
Select and demonstrate several movements in a dance and explain why the movements work to convey a theme or concept.
Describe a dance that expresses personal meaning and explain how certain movements express this personal meaning.
Respond with movements to an inquiry-based set of questions based on an observed dance work.
Example: Can you show with movement the emotions the dancers portrayed?““
Observe and perform a dance from a culture and relate the movement to the people or environment from which the dance was created and performed.
Grade 3
Improvise movements with a variety of self-identifed prompts.
Examples: music-sound, text, objects, images, notation, observed dance experiences
Select and demonstrate a movement solution for a given movement problem.
Example: Find a way to travel across the floor only on a low level.
Recognize choreographic devices to create simple movement patterns.
Examples: Retrograde, scramble/deconstruct, transposition, inversion, or fragment.
Create a dance phrase that communicates an idea or feeling and discuss the effect of the movement choices.