Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Leaf Man

Subject Area

Arts Education


K, 1, 2


This activity includes four dance options, including exploring levels, pathways, space, and locomotor movement.  Students will create different shapes while exploring high, middle, and low levels.  They will identify and move through different pathways such as straight, curved, and zigzag.  They will practice moving safely through general space and kinesphere (self-space).  They will explore the eight basic locomotor movements - walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping, leaping, and sliding.

    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Dance


    Demonstrate movement and stillness using the basic elements of space, including line, shape, levels, and size.

    Unpacked Content



    • Elements of Dance
    • Space
    • Tempo/ Speed
    • Energy
    • Basic movement qualities
    • Embody
    • Body Pattern
    • Shape
    • Locomotor/ Non-locomotor
    • Same side vs cross body
    • Spatial Awareness
    • General Space
    • Personal Space
    • Safety Principles in movement
    • Space
    • Prop

    Essential Questions

    EU: Space, time, and energy are basic elements of dance.
    EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Explore shape examples: discuss what objects are straight. Show examples of said objects with the body (straight, curved, bent/ angled, size: big/ small).
    • Respond to music or other sound stimuli with free movement that matches varying tempo: fast, slow, moderate.
      • Engage in "freeze dance": respond to music or other sound stimuli through movement with varying tempo changes. When music/ stimuli pause, freeze in called out shape, size or level.
    • Observe and demonstrate movement qualities, such as hard/ heavy or soft/light, smooth or wavy, and slow or jerky.
      • Practice actions using varied movement qualities: stomp (hard), float (soft).
    • Demonstrate same side and cross-body locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
    • Display an awareness of physical space and apply principles of safety when sharing space with others in activities, formations and explorations.
      • Hold hands and form group shape formations.
      • Use locomotor movement (skip, hop, crawl, etc.) to travel in a group shape.
    • Discuss how we use space safely. Practice using safety principles discussed.
    • Demonstrate full body movement sequence through observation, demonstration, and repetition.
      • Practice learned sequence of heel, together right and left, and marching in place.
    • Practice and perform dance with others in the safety of classroom, gym or outside space.
    • Use a scarf to improvise flowing or staccato movement.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Dance


    Move safely in general space and start/stop on cue during activities, group formations, and creative explorations while maintaining personal space.

    Unpacked Content



    • Elements of Dance
    • Space
    • Tempo/ Speed
    • Energy
    • Basic movement qualities
    • Embody
    • Body Pattern
    • Shape
    • Locomotor/ Non-locomotor
    • Same side vs cross body
    • Spatial Awareness
    • General Space
    • Personal Space
    • Safety Principles in movement
    • Space
    • Prop

    Essential Questions

    EU: Dancers use the mind-body connection and develop the body as an instrument for artistry and artistic expression.
    EQ: What must a dancer do to prepare the mind and body for artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Explore shape examples: discuss what objects are straight. Show examples of said objects with the body (straight, curved, bent/ angled, size: big/ small).
    • Respond to music or other sound stimuli with free movement that matches varying tempo: fast, slow, moderate.
      • Engage in "freeze dance": respond to music or other sound stimuli through movement with varying tempo changes. When music/ stimuli pause, freeze in called out shape, size or level.
    • Observe and demonstrate movement qualities, such as hard/ heavy or soft/light, smooth or wavy, and slow or jerky.
      • Practice actions using varied movement qualities: stomp (hard), float (soft).
    • Demonstrate same side and cross-body locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
    • Display an awareness of physical space and apply principles of safety when sharing space with others in activities, formations and explorations.
      • Hold hands and form group shape formations.
      • Use locomotor movement (skip, hop, crawl, etc.) to travel in a group shape.
    • Discuss how we use space safely. Practice using safety principles discussed.
    • Demonstrate full body movement sequence through observation, demonstration, and repetition.
      • Practice learned sequence of heel, together right and left, and marching in place.
    • Practice and perform dance with others in the safety of classroom, gym or outside space.
    • Use a scarf to improvise flowing or staccato movement.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Dance


    Create movement and stillness using changing elements of space.

    Unpacked Content



    • Elements of Space: Shape, Level, Size, Direction, Pathway
    • Time: Tempo/ Speed
    • Tempi
    • Energy: Movement qualities
    • Embody
    • Locomotor
    • Non-locomotor
    • Direction
    • Explore
    • Spatial Awareness
    • Personal space
    • General space
    • Body awareness
    • Dance phrase
    • Space
    • Props

    Essential Questions

    EU: Space, time, and energy are basic elements of dance.
    EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Demonstrate changes to level, size, direction and pathways in body shapes, locomotor and non-locomotor movement.
    • Create or recall locomotor movement in a variety of chosen pathways; zig zag, circular, straight (i.e., move in straight, curved, and zigzag pathways).
    • Join with others to make a circle, then work with others to change it to a square or line.
    • Create a curved shape on a low level.
    • Recognize steady beat and move to varying tempi of steady beat.
    • Observe, discuss and demonstrate changes in the energy and quality of given movement (jerky, smooth, melting, growing, bouncy, floppy).
    • Apply changes to a given movement sequence, making practiced steps jerky or smooth.
    • Question how changes in the way we do a movement can change the feel of it and also the appearance of it.
    • Demonstrate movement or steps in different facings and directions.
      • Skipping in a circle, reaching on a diagonal
    • Explore the space around their own body: How can they move without getting too close to another dancer, the wall, mirror, surroundings using perception of sight and body awareness.
    • Demonstrate unison movement in group formation (marching, skipping in a circle, etc.).
    • Discuss, identify and demonstrate ways to modify movement or placement in a group formation using perception of spatial awareness.
    • Modify an existing formation by utilizing more dance pathways.
    • Modify an existing dance phrase to utilize the space differently.
    • Perform a dance in theatre-in-the-round format.
    • Perform a dance in a non-traditional setting such as a football field.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Dance


    Identify and explore personal space and general space within movement.

    Unpacked Content



    • Elements of Space: Shape, Level, Size, Direction, Pathway
    • Time: Tempo/ Speed
    • Tempi
    • Energy: Movement qualities
    • Embody
    • Locomotor
    • Non-locomotor
    • Direction
    • Explore
    • Spatial Awareness
    • Personal space
    • General space
    • Body awareness
    • Dance phrase
    • Space
    • Props

    Essential Questions

    EU: Dancers use the mind-body connection and develop the body as an instrument for artistry and artistic expression.
    EQ: What must a dancer do to prepare the mind and body for artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Demonstrate changes to level, size, direction and pathways in body shapes, locomotor and non-locomotor movement.
    • Create or recall locomotor movement in a variety of chosen pathways; zig zag, circular, straight (i.e., move in straight, curved, and zigzag pathways).
    • Join with others to make a circle, then work with others to change it to a square or line.
    • Create a curved shape on a low level.
    • Recognize steady beat and move to varying tempi of steady beat.
    • Observe, discuss and demonstrate changes in the energy and quality of given movement (jerky, smooth, melting, growing, bouncy, floppy).
    • Apply changes to a given movement sequence, making practiced steps jerky or smooth.
    • Question how changes in the way we do a movement can change the feel of it and also the appearance of it.
    • Demonstrate movement or steps in different facings and directions.
      • Skipping in a circle, reaching on a diagonal
    • Explore the space around their own body: How can they move without getting too close to another dancer, the wall, mirror, surroundings using perception of sight and body awareness.
    • Demonstrate unison movement in group formation (marching, skipping in a circle, etc.).
    • Discuss, identify and demonstrate ways to modify movement or placement in a group formation using perception of spatial awareness.
    • Modify an existing formation by utilizing more dance pathways.
    • Modify an existing dance phrase to utilize the space differently.
    • Perform a dance in theatre-in-the-round format.
    • Perform a dance in a non-traditional setting such as a football field.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Dance


    Connect a variety of moments while manipulating the elements of dance through locomotor and non-locomotor movements.

    Unpacked Content



    • prompts
    • elements of dance
    • locomotor
    • non-locomotor
    • dance phrase
    • structure
    • concept and inspirations
    • for choreography
    • dance phrase
    • improvisation
    • notation

    Essential Questions

    EU: Choreographers use a variety of sources as inspiration and transform concepts and ideas into movement for artistic expression.
    EQ: Where do choreographers get ideas for dances?

    Skills Examples

    • Execute a sequence of movements in different ways (i.e., different levels, timing, directions, body parts).
    • Create a dance based on a short story, with a beginning, middle and end.
    • Create a dance to a short poem and explain why movement expressed the idea.
    • Improvise movement to verbs and adjectives. Recall the movement and sequence to repeat.
    • Using basic stick figures to draw shapes used in a series of movements.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Dance


    Demonstrate a range of locomotor and non-locomotor movements that alternate between personal space and general space.

    Unpacked Content



    • Space
    • Shape
      • Symmetrical
      • Asymmetrical
    • Facing
    • Pathway
    • Time:
      • Accented beat
      • Downbeat
      • Duple meter
      • Triple meter
    • Utilize quality of movement
    • Embody
    • Locomotor
    • Non-locomotor
    • Personal space
    • General space
    • Spatial relationship
    • Body awareness
    • Space
    • Projection in performance
    • Production elements

    Essential Questions

    EU: Dancers use the mind-body connection and develop the body as an instrument for artistry and artistic expression.
    EQ: What must a dancer do to prepare the mind and body for artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Identify symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes and examine relationships between body parts.
    • Differentiate between circling and turning as two separate ways of continuous directional change.
    • Recall and practice given steps or sequencing with facing or level changes (what was up, make it down, face the back instead of the front).
    • Create body shapes that change level and facings.
    • Demonstrate locomotor movement on a straight pathway, circular pathway, zig zag pathway; making clear changes when called out.
    • Identify the beat in metered music and execute movement on the downbeat (the 1) of duple and triple meter.
    • Demonstrate an accented movement (clap, stomp, or jump) only on the downbeat of a piece of music. Practice with different tempos and 2/4, 4/4, and 3/4 music.
      • Other examples: Waltz, triplet, walking, or marching.
    • Review the terms adverb and adjective and make a list of descriptive words, choose several and execute a given movement or sequence with the word in mind or explore the word with their body in free movement.
    • (i.e., bouncy, jiggly, loose, strong, etc.).
      • Other examples: Bouncy leap or floppy fall.
    • Demonstrate movement and sequencing that utilizes a variety of pathways for personal space and group formations.
      • Skipping across the floor followed by skipping in place.
    • Identify modifications for spatial placement in a dance phrase.
    • Repeat movement or sequencing in a group formation or group dance using an awareness of his/her own body in space and make modifications to adjust placement as needed or requested.
    • Practice using production elements (i.e., multimedia equipment, scenery, costumes, lighting).

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 2 - Dance


    Demonstrate safe movement in a variety of spatial relationships and formations with other dancers, sharing and maintaining personal space.

    Unpacked Content



    • Space
    • Shape
      • Symmetrical
      • Asymmetrical
    • Facing
    • Pathway
    • Time:
      • Accented beat
      • Downbeat
      • Duple meter
      • Triple meter
    • Utilize quality of movement
    • Embody
    • Locomotor
    • Non-locomotor
    • Personal space
    • General space
    • Spatial relationship
    • Body awareness
    • Space
    • Projection in performance
    • Production elements

    Essential Questions

    EU: Dancers use the mind-body connection and develop the body as an instrument for artistry and artistic expression.
    EQ: What must a dancer do to prepare the mind and body for artistic expression?

    Skills Examples

    • Identify symmetrical and asymmetrical body shapes and examine relationships between body parts.
    • Differentiate between circling and turning as two separate ways of continuous directional change.
    • Recall and practice given steps or sequencing with facing or level changes (what was up, make it down, face the back instead of the front).
    • Create body shapes that change level and facings.
    • Demonstrate locomotor movement on a straight pathway, circular pathway, zig zag pathway; making clear changes when called out.
    • Identify the beat in metered music and execute movement on the downbeat (the 1) of duple and triple meter.
    • Demonstrate an accented movement (clap, stomp, or jump) only on the downbeat of a piece of music. Practice with different tempos and 2/4, 4/4, and 3/4 music.
      • Other examples: Waltz, triplet, walking, or marching.
    • Review the terms adverb and adjective and make a list of descriptive words, choose several and execute a given movement or sequence with the word in mind or explore the word with their body in free movement.
    • (i.e., bouncy, jiggly, loose, strong, etc.).
      • Other examples: Bouncy leap or floppy fall.
    • Demonstrate movement and sequencing that utilizes a variety of pathways for personal space and group formations.
      • Skipping across the floor followed by skipping in place.
    • Identify modifications for spatial placement in a dance phrase.
    • Repeat movement or sequencing in a group formation or group dance using an awareness of his/her own body in space and make modifications to adjust placement as needed or requested.
    • Practice using production elements (i.e., multimedia equipment, scenery, costumes, lighting).

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
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    Learning Activity

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    Brigham Young University

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    Brigham Young University


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