Identify and apply different qualities to movements.
COS Examples
Example: Heavy/light, smooth/sharp, sustained/sudden.
Identify and apply different qualities to movements.
COS Examples
Example: Heavy/light, smooth/sharp, sustained/sudden.
Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?
Skills Examples
- Explore shape examples: discuss what objects are straight. Show examples of said objects with the body (straight, curved, bent/ angled, size: big/ small).
- Respond to music or other sound stimuli with free movement that matches varying tempo: fast, slow, moderate.
- Engage in "freeze dance": respond to music or other sound stimuli through movement with varying tempo changes. When music/ stimuli pause, freeze in called out shape, size or level.
- Observe and demonstrate movement qualities, such as hard/ heavy or soft/light, smooth or wavy, and slow or jerky.
- Practice actions using varied movement qualities: stomp (hard), float (soft).
- Demonstrate same side and cross-body locomotor and non-locomotor movements.
- Display an awareness of physical space and apply principles of safety when sharing space with others in activities, formations and explorations.
- Hold hands and form group shape formations.
- Use locomotor movement (skip, hop, crawl, etc.) to travel in a group shape.
- Discuss how we use space safely. Practice using safety principles discussed.
- Demonstrate full body movement sequence through observation, demonstration, and repetition.
- Practice learned sequence of heel, together right and left, and marching in place.
- Practice and perform dance with others in the safety of classroom, gym or outside space.
- Use a scarf to improvise flowing or staccato movement.
- Elements of Dance
- Space
- Tempo/ Speed
- Energy
- Basic movement qualities
- Embody
- Body Pattern
- Shape
- Locomotor/ Non-locomotor
- Same side vs cross body
- Spatial Awareness
- General Space
- Personal Space
- Safety Principles in movement
- Space
- Prop