Students will move safely in personal and general space while creating movement phrases. They will express themselves through a variety of shapes and movements.
Students will explore and choose a favorite cultural dance style. Working in groups, they will combine dance patterns, styles, shapes, and rhythms to form movement phrases. They will perform their dance for the class.
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Students will study and learn various folk dances from the Oregon Trail. They will choreograph a folk dance based on the steps they learned throughout the unit. They will perform the dance for their class.
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Students will incorporate locomotor skills, concepts of space, time, and energy while learning basic improvisational skills. In groups, students will use improvisation to choreograph a dance to perform for the class.
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Students will choose two works from a variety of masterworks from across historic periods and disciplines to perform. They will choreograph a piece incorporating elements from both masterworks. They will identify choreographic components in both the masterworks and their original composition.
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Students will identify and incorporate the Language of Dance Movement Alphabet to increase dance literacy. They will use the Movement Alphabet to notate an excerpt from a dance. They will share with the class which movements they used to notate each dance.
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This article includes five different activities to incorporate theater and dance into the classroom. The activities included are "Mystery Mover," "Stage Corners," "Carnival Walk," "Reader's Theater," and "When I Move, You Move."
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In this learning activity, students view images of constellations in the sky at night, trace the connections between the stars and describe what shapes, characters, or stories come to mind. They will respond to each constellation and season by making a statue that uses a dance element.
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Students will describe the way the sun and moon move in the sky. Working in groups, they will create a dance to show how the sun rises and sets in the sky. They will describe the levels in the morning, midday, and sunset. Another group will create a dance to show how the moon rises and sets in the sky and describe the levels that could be seen. The groups will combine their dances to show the complete process.
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Students will identify known shapes and describe their properties. They will create the shape with their body. As a group, they will create a shape with all members. They will change groups and create another shape.
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In this activity, students will identify patterns, such as AB, ABA, AABA. They will provide examples seen in the classroom and the community. They will create a movement pattern using one of these forms. While listening to music, they will identify the form and choreograph a movement to represent each section.
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Students will read and summarize a story. They will be divided into three groups. Each group will write a summarization of the beginning, middle, or end. They will choreograph a dance that represents their part of the story. The class will perform the dance.
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Students will create an imaginary force field and move around the room while demonstrating the weight of a variety of music. They will use a single word to describe their movements. They will work together to create movements to match the descriptive words.
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Students will use a hula hoop to identify personal space. They will perform axial movements (non-locomotor) within their hula hoop.
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Students will identify and perform locomotor movements with the class. They will move safely with peers throughout the space.
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Students will brainstorm ways to move, including shake, vibrate, sharp, smooth, swing, twist, wiggle, and spin. They will perform examples of these movements using different forces and efforts. The teacher will provide prompts for students to improvise movements.
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Students will draw their initials in upper case letters on paper and in the air. They will explore the pathways created by their initials while walking on the floor. They will identify the different types of lines created by the pathways. They will choreograph a three-part (beginning, middle, end) dance using their initials.
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Students will brainstorm a list of emotions and feelings. They will create a facial expression and a frozen shape to express each emotion. In a group, they will choreograph a dance beginning and ending with a frozen shape with the middle being locomotor movements.
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Students will observe children's products and discuss their likes and dislikes about each product. They will view a variety of advertisements and decide if they would purchase the item or not. They will begin drawing an advertisement for a product.
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Students will discuss the purpose, target audience, and value of advertisements. Students will create original, hand-drawn advertisements. They will continue to work on their advertisements by adding more details, such as color, text, and symbols (such as price).
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Students will complete their advertisements and identify the key elements. Working in pairs, they will create a new children's product and a marketing strategy. They will apply advertising design strategies to market their product.
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This unit plan includes four lessons using a storyboard to create an ebook. In the first lesson, students will use a storyboard to plan an ebook for a short three-part story of their own choosing. In the second lesson, students will develop their understanding of how storytelling can be enhanced using visual arts techniques. In the third lesson, students will be able to take an image using an iPad and use it effectively in an ebook. In the fourth lesson, students will record sounds to accompany the text and images for their ebooks.
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Students will create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast. They will research an issue of personal interest to form an opinion for their podcast. This unit includes five lessons.
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Students will develop a list of characteristics of multimedia presentations by analyzing a variety of sample presentations. They will comply with copyright law while they plan, storyboard, and create their own multimedia presentation. This unit includes ten lessons.
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Students will record a two-minute descriptive or persuasive speech. They will use this recording to narrate a selection of images chosen to demonstrate their understanding of the content. This unit includes seven lessons.
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Students will research ancient Greece, including Greek gods, heroes, and creatures. In pairs, they will use Powtoon to create a digital story based on their research. This unit includes nine lessons.
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Students will use PowToon or Microsoft Photo Story to create a narrated summary of a previously written persuasive essay. They will share their presentations with the class. This unit includes four lessons.
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Students will create short digital videos that include music, photos, video clips, and text using Animoto. This resource provides several ideas on how to use Animoto in your current lessons.
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Students will read and analyze haiku poetry. They will compose their own haiku and animate it with Animoto. This unit includes five lessons.
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Students will share book talks through digital storytelling. They will add images, text, narration, music, and effects using Microsoft Photo Story. This unit includes six lessons.
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Students will choose a song and interpret the meaning of the lyrics. They will use Windows Movie Maker to create a photomontage using images that represent the meaning of the lyrics. They will share their presentations with the class. This unit includes seven lessons.
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Students will read about podcasts and how they were created. They will read about how to start a podcast and what equipment is needed to begin. They will choose a podcast to listen to and write and record a script for their own podcast.
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The students will read about stop-motion animation and how it's made. They will read about several movies that are stop-motion animated. They can draw a flipbook to create stop-motion animation. They will watch a stop-motion animated film and explain how it is made. Finally, they can create their own stop-motion animated films.
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Students will read about how movies are made, including before and after filming. They will create a script and storyboard for their movie idea. They can watch a movie to get ideas for special effects, background music, and how people are listed in the credits.
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Are you a movie fan? Do you like animation or live-action? Do you watch movies in 3D? It makes the special effects seem so real! Have you ever WONDERed how moviemakers do it? It‘s not magic! Many times, they use Computer Generated Imagery (CGI). In this learning activity, students will learn about CGI and how designers put the images in films. The students will also learn about some of the films that include CGI. Finally, the students will identify CGI in a movie and discuss how it affects the experience of the audience.