In this episode of Happy Healthy Kids, Miss Kelsey leads everyone outside to smell the fresh air! Let’s run and play one hour every day in our beautiful world!
This lesson helps young people understand why exercise is important for their bodies and minds. The youth will experience how they feel different before and after physical activity. They will estimate how much exercise they get each day and think of ways they can be more active.
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This is a free classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia. Students watch a video to learn how to cut their sugar intake.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Join Penny and the KidVision VPK Kids at Miami Gymnastics Academy! They stretch, run and jump on the tumble track, act like animals on the balance beam, lift their bodies on the bars, and learn rhythmic gymnastics. This field trip wins a gold medal!
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All Trails is an online and app based resource that can be used to identify walking, running, biking, and hiking trails all over the globe. This resource categorizes trails in different categories based on difficulty, length, and terrain. Using the app, users can track their real-time position on specific trails. This is a great tool that can make users feel comfortable exercising on a new trail.
There is a free and upgraded (pro) version.
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This learning activity from Wonderopolis combines interactive resources to answer these questions:
- What is BMI?
- What does BMI mean for my health?
- What are some ways I can stay healthy?
A combination of interactive text, audio, video, vocabulary, checks for understanding, and extension activities explain the big ideas of BMI. This resource provides an easy to understand explanation supporting the importance of making responsible personal health decisions.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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New York student Shadia Wood tells how she became an environmental activist in this video adapted from Earth Island Institute’s New Leaders Initiative. Wood lives near several toxic waste sites and was concerned to learn that the New York Superfund—the money set aside for cleaning such sites in her state—had gone bankrupt.
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This website has a series of visuals that can be downloaded, printed, and displayed in the physical education gymnasium or class. These visuals range cover varying topics such as the FITT Principle, BORG Rating, and the Conflict Corner.
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Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of sudden death among youth athletes. It primarily targets athletes whose sport causes an elevated heart rate (football, basketball, soccer, track, etc.). While some exhibit warning signs such as fatigue and shortness of breath, for many people the first indication of a heart problem is cardiac arrest. This video also contains support resources to help teachers to check for understanding.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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When you’re in high school, it can seem like being popular is the most important thing in the world. But being popular in high school tends to have adverse outcomes once someone enters early adulthood. It all depends on what type of popularity someone has because it turns out there are two types. They are status and likability.
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A basic belief underlying The Responsive Classroom approach to teaching is that how children learn to treat one another is as important as what they learn in reading, writing, and arithmetic. We believe that social skills such as cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control are essential to children’s academic and social success and we emphasize the teaching of these skills, along with academics, throughout the school day.
This resource provides teachers with classroom strategies to build community, improve communication, and enhance classroom discussion. This resource also has a listing of professional books related to these topics.
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Everyone feels sad, depressed, or angry sometimes — especially when dealing with the pressures of school, friends, and family. But some people may feel sadness or hopelessness that just won't go away, and even small problems may seem like too much to handle.
This resource provides information about:
- Many warning signs of suicide
- What you can do
- Dealing with Suicide
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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There are college options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These programs connect students to the community and the larger world. Continued education increases learning and skill-building, social contact and better job opportunities for students. This video can be played during a lesson on locating school and community health resources.
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Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it’s continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. in this TedEd video, Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure, and how it functions, right down to the level of your genes.
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This resource gives tips and strategies for creating and implementing school-based wellness plans. Sample wellness plans are included. Additionally, this resource is full of links to external websites connecting the user to additional informational material.
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This resource is a lesson plan developed by Sanford Medicine-Tobacco Prevention Toolkit. The lesson plan objective is to provide an understanding of the known health risks associated with smokeless tobacco use. Many adolescents may not fully understand the risks of smokeless tobacco use and believe that it is harmless.
The included PowerPoint provides an overview of what students should know about smokeless tobacco, including why youth find them appealing, marketing tactics being used, what we know about the health effects of smokeless tobacco use. At the end of the PowerPoint are some debriefing activities that you can use with the students.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Being a good friend means sharing and playing nicely together. Use this song as a reminder of why sharing is the best! This video can be played when teaching a lesson on using listening skills to build healthy relationships.
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Each day, America’s teenagers are bombarded with misleading messages about drugs. Glamorized by media and endorsed by peers, the consequences of drug use and experimentation are dangerously disguised, and often hidden altogether. The reality is that drug use can alter a teen’s life forever. That’s why every student should be given the tools to make a decision against using drugs - and the best place to give them those tools is your classroom.
This resource is lesson 6. To access videos and lesson materials:
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This resource challenges middle schoolers to think about and question the consequences of addiction and provides opportunities for students to make evidence-based claims about the health effects of vaping on teens.
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Brynn had a normal, happy childhood but adolescence brought on difficult feelings and experiences that led her to seek help. This video can be played during a lesson on asking for assistance for self and others.
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This resource is a collection of animated videos that discuss the effects on the brain and body when using specific types of drugs.
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Explore the problems and tensions created by misunderstandings and the inability to listen to diverse points of view in this video from the PBS KIDS series ARTHUR.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Meet the GIRL!: Caraline is 17 years old and is a musician and nail technician student. She shares how she enjoys doing others’ nails as she gets to listen to them express themselves and share what is important to them. She shares that she enjoys that people see her as a trusted ear. By listening to others she gets to connect with people in an authentic way.
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This is a Pledge of Safety and Wisdom: To Abstain from Alcohol
This pledge can be downloaded and signed by students or it can be used as a resource in creating a student-led alcohol abstinence pledge.
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Teachers and parents understand how digital mistakes can hurt feelings, reputations, and privacy. But it can be harder to convince kids that a seemingly harmless post today could be misunderstood tomorrow—let alone in the future and by people, they never thought would see it. These activities use concrete examples and thought‑provoking discussions to teach young learners how to maintain a positive online presence and protect their privacy.
This resource is a 139-page unit plan with materials, scenarios, and conversation starters focused on digital safety.
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Students must provide examples of proper conflict resolution to show positive social and emotional health understanding. This sheet is appropriate for grades 1 or 2. Drawing is required.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Experts in adolescent medicine and suicide research explain the factors that contribute to the rise in youth suicides. Dr. Hatim Omar, an adolescent medicine specialist at the University of Kentucky, and Melinda Moore, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Eastern Kentucky University, both agree that limiting access to lethal means of suicide is crucial to reducing overall rates. This video segment is part of You Are Not Alone, a youth mental health series produced by KET.
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In this lesson, students will watch a video on growth mindset and work in pairs to share their ideas about growth vs. fixed mindsets. They will then collaborate to design their own skits about growth vs. fixed mindsets.
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The Feelings Thermometer is a visual tool that can help students measure how they are doing emotionally and identify steps they can take to shift their mood when things are getting tough.
Like a temperature thermometer, the Feelings Thermometer shows when your emotional temperature is getting warmer and then hotter, to potentially dangerous degrees. It starts at blue – the calm zone and goes to red – the furious zone. Throughout the zones, it lists activities to feel less angry, frustrated, anxious, and sad. Research shows that just identifying a calming activity can reduce stress and anxiety.
This resource can be used in a variety of settings to help students name their feelings and identify methods to self-regulate their negative emotions.
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This learning activity provides a role-play scenario for students to apply the decision-making steps outlined in various situations and scenarios. Small groups of students determine lists of options, consequences, and decisions for each hypothetical situation. A digital activity link is included for use.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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The Healthy Habits for Life Child Care Resource Kit gives child care providers the tools they need to teach children about eating right and being physically active so that they can establish healthy habits for life.
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During this lesson, students will differentiate between the terms “upstander” and “bystander" and describe the four steps involved in being an upstander when bullying is happening. Students will learn effective ways of intervening when someone else is being bullied by creating and acting out a skit that integrates the four upstander steps.
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In this video, students watch a short film, A Game for Life by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, about an innovative soccer program in the poor neighborhood of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, that helps to educate local youth about HIV/AIDS prevention.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This video segment adapted from A Science Odyssey tells how two scientists, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, used the research findings of Alexander Fleming to turn a natural compound, penicillin, into an effective treatment for bacterial infections. Their tests in mice and later in human patients demonstrated penicillin's ability to cure such infections.
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In this lesson, students will explore the structure of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its role in the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Students will be expected to discuss challenges the WHO has faced in responding to the Ebola outbreak. This lesson will culminate with the students creating a poster to help the WHO get more people involved in the effort to stop the Ebola epidemic.