AK-1.1 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Movement concepts, principles, and knowledge
AK-1.1 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Movement concepts, principles, and knowledge
AK-1.1 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Movement concepts, principles, and knowledge
Describe proper movement techniques for participating in self-selected lifetime activities.
AK-1.2 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Dance and rhythmic activities
Identify, explain, and apply coordination, explosive power, and speed that enhance performance levels in rhythmic movement and dance.
AK-1.3 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Lifetime activities
Generate a list of health-enhancing lifetime activities.
Anchor Standard 2: Movement and performance: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
AK-2.1 Movement and Performance: Knowledge of anatomy (muscles, bones, and joints)
Explain the interaction among the bones, joints, and muscles that occurs during physical activity.
AK-2.2 Movement and Performance: Strategies of kinesiology
Explain how the components on the state-mandated physical fitness test relate to human movement and continuous, healthy physical fitness activity.
Anchor Standard 3: Physical Activity and Fitness: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
AK-3.1 Physical Activity and Fitness: Physical activity knowledge
Assess circumstances that might affect physical activity choices throughout the life cycle.
AK-3.2 Physical Activity and Fitness: Physical literacy
Research numerous available career fields related to kinesiology.
AK-3.3 Physical Activity and Fitness: Career opportunities
Analyze consumer health products and programs related to fitness and the impact on different career choices.
Anchor Standard 4: Personal and Social Behavior: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
AK-4.1 Personal and Social Behavior: Personal responsibility
Analyze the role physical activity plays in social interaction and cooperative opportunities within the family and the workplace.
AK-4.2 Personal and Social Behavior: Rules and etiquette
Interview an employer in a self-selected career in the field of kinesiology, asking for a copy of the company employee policy manual.
AK-4.3 Personal and Social Behavior: Working with others
Explain the importance of cooperation and positive interactions with others working in the field of kinesiology.
AK-4.4 Personal and Social Behavior: Safety
Explain the inherent risks associated with various careers in kinesiology or physical fitness.
Examples: activities director, personal trainer, recreation specialist
Anchor Standard 5: Values Physical Activity: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
AK-5.1 Values Physical Activity: Health
Research the benefits of proper nutrition and daily physical activity.
AK-5.2 Values Physical Activity: Choices
Explore the relationship among the brain, fitness, and nutrition and how they affect each other.
AK-5.3 Values Physical Activity: Social interaction
Identify how social interaction influences their own nutrition and physical activity choices, and how they respond based on the social situation.
Examples: peer pressure, social media, advertisements
Advanced Kinesiology - Level 2