Comparing theories regarding the use and meaning of dreams
Comparing theories regarding the use and meaning of dreams
Comparing theories regarding the use and meaning of dreams
Analyzing the use of psychoactive drugs for effects on people, including the mechanisms of addiction, withdrawal, and tolerance
Evaluating the phenomenon of hypnosis and its possible uses
Describe the role of motivation and emotion in human behavior.
Identifying theories that explain motivational processes, including cognitive, biological, and psychological reasons for motivational behavior, and Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and arousal theory
Describing situational cues that cause emotions, including anger, curiosity, and anxiety
Differentiating among theories of emotion
Identifying universally recognized emotions
Describe methods of assessing individual differences and theories of intelligence, including Charles E. Spearman’s general (g) factor of intelligence, Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences, and Robert J. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence.
Describing different types of intelligence tests, including the Flynn effect
Describing how intelligence may be influenced by differences in heredity and environment and by biases toward ethnic minority and socioeconomic groups
Explain the role of personality development in human behavior.
Differentiating among personality theories, including psychoanalytic, sociocognitive, trait, and humanistic theories of personality
Describing different measures of personality, including the Neuroticism-Extroversion-Openness Personality Inventory (NEO-PI), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and projective tests
Describe major psychological disorders and their treatments.
Differentiating between normal and abnormal behavior
Describing different approaches for explaining mental illness, including biological and medical, cognitive, and sociocultural models
Differentiating types of mental illness, including mood, anxiety, somatoform, schizophrenic, dissociative, and personality disorders
Describe how attitudes, conditions of obedience and conformity, and other influences affect actions and shape human behavior, including actor-observer, self-server, social facilitation, social loafing, bystander effect, groupthink, and group polarization.
Explaining the fundamental attribution error
Critiquing Stanley Milgram’s work with obedience and S. E. Asch’s work with conformity
Describe various careers pursued by psychologists, including medical and mental health care fields, the business world, education, law and criminal justice, and research.
Explain how culture and gender influence behavior.
Identifying gender differences and similarities
Explaining ways in which gender differences are developed
Describing ways in which gender roles are assigned in different cultures
Describe the development of sociology as a social science field of study.
Identifying important figures in the field of sociology, including Karl Marx, Émile Durkheim, Max Weber, George Herbert Mead, and W. E. B. Du Bois
Identifying characteristics of sociology, including functional integration, power, social action, social structure, and culture
Explain methods and tools of research used by sociologists to study human society, including surveys, polls, statistics, demographic information, case studies, participant observations, and program evaluations.
Differentiating between qualitative and quantitative research methods
Describe how values and norms influence individual behavior.
Comparing ways in which cultures differ, change, and resist change, including countercultures, subcultures, and ethnocentric beliefs
Comparing the use of various symbols within and across societies
Examples: objects, gestures, sounds, images