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Participate in collaborative discussions using information from a source.

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Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions using information from a source.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.


Students are able to:
  • Engage in a collaborative discussion.
  • Use information from a source to support their discussion.


Students understand that:
  • Information they learn from a source can support collaborative discussions.


  • Collaborative discussions
  • Source


Participate in collaborative discussions about literary devices and elements found in prose and poetry.

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Students know:
  • The purpose of collaborative discussions related to prose and poetry.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.
  • Literary text often includes literary devices, such as personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism, metaphor, and simile.
  • Literary elements within a story include the theme, plot, and point of view.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.


Students are able to:
  • Engage in a collaborative discussion.
  • Identify and discuss literary devices and elements in poetry and prose.


Students understand that:
  • Comprehension of poetry and prose can be demonstrated by engaging in a collaborative discussion about a text.


  • Collaborative discussions
  • Literary devices
  • Literary elements
  • Prose
  • Poetry


Use technology, including the Internet, to research, analyze, produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information, people, and resources and to display information flexibly and dynamically.


Determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility of digital sources.

COS Examples

Examples: online academic journals, social media, blogs, podcasts

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Digital sources, such as online academic journals, social media, blogs, and podcasts, have various subjects, appropriate occasions, intended audiences, purposes, and tones.
  • A credible source is free from bias and supported with relevant evidence.


Students are able to:
  • Determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility of digital sources.


Students understand that:
  • It is important to evaluate the credibility of digital sources.
  • Digital sources will focus on different subjects, be used on different occasions, are created with different intended audiences, have different purposes, and a variety of tones.


  • Subject
  • Occasion
  • Audience
  • Purpose
  • Tone
  • Credibility
  • Digital sources


Utilize written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • There are a variety of text sources, including written text, visual text, digital text, and interactive text.
  • Text sources can be used to create and answer questions.
  • Literal questions are those that can be answered using information directly from the text.
  • Interpretive questions are those that can be answered by inferring information from the text.
  • Applied questions are those that can be answered using information inferred from the text and a reader's background knowledge and experience.


Students are able to:
  • Use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer questions.
  • Create and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.


Students understand that:
  • There are three levels of questions that can be generated: literal, interpretive, and applied.
  • They can use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer all three levels of questions.


  • Written text
  • Visual text
  • Digital text
  • Interactive text
  • Literal questions
  • Interpretive questions
  • Applied questions


Interpret language to determine subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and credibility of digital sources, with guidance and support.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • Digital sources, such as online academic journals, social media, blogs, and podcasts, have various subjects, appropriate occasions, intended audiences, purposes, and tones.
  • A credible source is free from bias and supported with relevant evidence.


Students are able to:
With guidance and support,
  • Interpret the language of digital sources to determine the subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and credibility.


Students understand that:
  • It is important to evaluate the credibility of digital sources.
  • They can determine the subject, occasion, audience, and purpose of digital sources by identifying the intended meaning of the source.


    • Interpret
    • Subject
    • Audience
    • Occasion
    • Purpose
    • Credibility
    • Digital sources
    • Guidance
    • Support


    Create and edit digital products that are appropriate in subject and purpose for a particular audience or occasion.

    COS Examples

    Examples: social media posts, blog posts, podcast episodes, infographics

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • Necessary skills to create and edit digital products, such as social media posts, blog posts, podcast episodes, and infographics.
    • The intended audience and occasion should be identified before selecting a subject and purpose of a digital product.


    Students are able to:
    • Create digital products with attention to subject and purpose for different audiences and occasions.
    • Edit digital products with attention to subject and purpose for different audiences and occasions.


    Students understand that:
    • Digital products can be used to communicate with a variety of audiences and occasions.
    • They should modify the subject and purpose of their digital products depending on the audience and occasion.


    • Digital products
    • Subject
    • Purpose
    • Audience
    • Occasion


    Enhance oral presentations by introducing ideas in digital formats with specific attention to subject, occasion, audience, and purpose.

    COS Examples

    Examples: speaking to defend or explain a digital poster, multimedia presentation, or video

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • Oral presentation skills.
    • Strategies to introduce ideas in digital formats, such as speaking to defend or explain a digital poster, multimedia presentation, or video.
    • Methods to determine the subject, occasion, audience, and purpose of an oral presentation.


    Students are able to:
    • Introduce ideas in digital formats to enhance oral presentations.
    • Identify the subject, occasion, audience, and purpose of an oral presentation.


    Students understand that:
    • Digital formats can enhance their oral presentation.
    • Prior to an oral presentation, they should identify the subject of the presentation, the occasion for the presentation, the intended audience, and the purpose of the presentation.


    • Oral presentation
    • Subject
    • Occasion
    • Audience
    • Purpose


    Recognize and demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage, including appropriate formality of language.


    Identify the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in published texts.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The conventions of standard English grammar and usage.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify conventions of standard English grammar and usage in texts.


    Students understand that:
    • Published texts can provide examples of the appropriate use of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage.


    • Conventions
    • Standard English grammar
    • Standard English usage
    • Published texts


    Identify subject-verb agreement when interrupted by a prepositional phrase, with inverted word order, and with indefinite pronouns as subjects.

    Unpacked Content


    • The subject of a sentence is connected to a verb, and the subject and verb must match in number, case, and person.


    • Identify subject-verb agreement when a sentence is interrupted by a prepositional phrase.
    • Identify subject-verb agreement in a sentence with inverted word order.
    • Identify subject-verb agreement when the subject is an indefinite pronoun.


    • Authors should ensure subject-verb agreement in all sentences, including those with interrupting prepositional phrases, inverted word order, and indefinite pronouns.


    • Subject-verb agreement
    • Prepositional phrase
    • Inverted word order
    • Indefinite pronouns


    Evaluate pronoun usage for number and case.

    COS Examples

    Examples: subjective, objective, possessive

    Unpacked Content


    • Pronouns show the number of individuals involved; there are two numbers: singular and plural.
    • There are three cases of pronouns: subjective, objective, and possessive.


    • Evaluate pronoun usage for number and case in published texts.


    • A personal pronoun indicates the number of individuals, and the case of the pronoun indicates its role in the sentence.
    • Authors should use pronouns with the correct pronoun and case.


    • Pronoun
    • Number
    • Case


    Identify common errors in pronoun usage.

    COS Examples

    Examples: person, number, ambiguous antecedents

    Unpacked Content


    • Pronoun forms should indicate the correct number and person.
    • Pronouns should not have ambiguous antecedents.


    • Identify errors in pronoun usage, such as person, number, and ambiguous antecedents.


    • Authors can clearly communicate in writing by using pronouns correctly.


    • Pronoun


    Identify the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in published texts.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in texts.


    Students understand that:
    • Published texts can provide examples of the appropriate use of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.


    • Conventions
    • Standard English capitalization
    • Standard English punctuation
    • Standard English spelling


    Identify commas, parentheses, and dashes that are used to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements in texts from various genres.

    COS Examples

    Examples: poetry, informational texts, narratives

    Unpacked Content


    • Commas, parentheses, and dashes are used to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements in texts.
    • A nonrestrictive or parenthetical element is a part of a sentence that can be removed without changing the sentence's meaning.
    • There are multiple genres of text, including poetry, informational text, and narratives.


    • Identify punctuation marks that are used to set off nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements in texts from a variety of genres.


    • Published texts can provide examples of the appropriate use of punctuation marks to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements.


    • Commas
    • Parentheses
    • Dashes
    • Nonrestrictive elements
    • Parenthetical elements
    • Genres


    Assess a speaker’s organizational choices to determine point of view, purpose, and effectiveness.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • Speakers organize their speech to indicate the point of view and purpose of the presentation.
    • Listeners can assess a speaker's organizational choices to determine the effectiveness of the presentation.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify and describe a speaker's organizational choices, such as point of view and purpose.
    • Assess a speaker's organizational choices to determine the effectiveness of the presentation.


    Students understand that:
    • Speakers make organizational choices that affect the overall effectiveness of their presentations.


    • Organizational choices
    • Point of view
    • Purpose
    • Effectiveness


    Identify a speaker’s correct usage of language, including subject-verb agreement and pronouns.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • Speakers should use correct language, including appropriate subject-verb agreement and pronouns.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify the correct usage of spoken language, including subject-verb agreement and pronouns.


    Students understand that:
    • Speakers can provide examples of the correct usage of language.


    • Subject-verb agreement
    • Pronouns


    Demonstrate command of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics when writing.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate written command of standard English, grammar, usage, and mechanics.


    Students understand that:
    • To clearly communicate in writing, they. must use standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics.


    • Standard English grammar
    • Standard English usage
    • Standard English mechanics


    Use commas, parentheses, or dashes to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements.

    Unpacked Content


    • Commas, parentheses, and dashes are used to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements.
    • A nonrestrictive or parenthetical element is a part of a sentence that can be removed without changing the sentence's meaning.


    Students are able to:
    • Correctly use commas, parentheses, or dashes to set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements in writing.


    • To ensure their writing is clear and coherent, they must set off nonrestrictive or parenthetical elements with commas, parenthesis, or dashes.


    • Commas
    • Parentheses
    • Dashes
    • Nonrestrictive elements
    • Parenthetical elements


    Revise writing for correct mechanics with a focus on commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, and semicolons.

    Unpacked Content


    • Commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, and semicolons are punctuation marks that are used in writing for different purposes.
    • Standard English punctuation conventions.
    • Strategies for revising writing.


    • Identify the incorrect usage of commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, and semicolons in writing.
    • Revise writing to correct errors in commas, apostrophe, quotation mark, colon, and semicolon usage.


    • Their writing must demonstrate the correct usage of standard English punctuation conventions.


    • Mechanics
    • Commas
    • Apostrophes
    • Quotation marks
    • Colons
    • Semicolons


    Compose and revise writing by using various pronouns and their antecedents correctly.

    COS Examples

    Examples: personal, intensive, reflexive, demonstrative, relative, interrogative, indefinite

    Unpacked Content


    • A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence.
    • There are various types of pronouns, including persona, intensive, reflexive, demonstrative, relative, interrogative, and indefinite.
    • The noun that is replaced by a pronoun is called an antecedent.
    • Standard English grammar and usage conventions.
    • Strategies for revising writing.


    • Compose writing with various pronouns and antecedents used correctly.
    • Revise writing to correct errors in pronoun and antecedent usage.


    • Using various pronouns in their writing can make their writing more engaging and interesting.
    • To ensure their writing is clear and coherent, they must use pronouns and antecedents correctly.


    • Pronouns
    • Antecedents