Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Padlet Puts Research Projects in Perspective

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Digital Literacy and Computer Science




For this learning activity, students will be using a virtual bulletin board called Padlet to create a digital artifact that incorporates research and inquiry skills. Students will also use the Internet to locate digital sources that are related to a topic and include various multimedia components into the Padlet in order to enhance the final project.

This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.

    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 6


    Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • feedback is important in a design process.


    Students are able to:
    • create a multimedia artifact.
    • critique the work of others.
    • revise their work based on feedback received.


    Students understand that:
    • much like the writing process, design of a multimedia artifact nets the best results when creators have the opportunity to be given feedback and revise as needed.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 6


    Utilize written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.

    Unpacked Content



    • Written text
    • Visual text
    • Digital text
    • Interactive text
    • Literal questions
    • Interpretive questions
    • Applied questions


    Students know:
    • There are a variety of text sources, including written text, visual text, digital text, and interactive text.
    • Text sources can be used to create and answer questions.
    • Literal questions are those that can be answered using information directly from the text.
    • Interpretive questions are those that can be answered by inferring information from the text.
    • Applied questions are those that can be answered using information inferred from the text and a reader's background knowledge and experience.


    Students are able to:
    • Use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer questions.
    • Create and answer literal, interpretive, and applied questions.


    Students understand that:
    • There are three levels of questions that can be generated: literal, interpretive, and applied.
    • They can use written, visual, digital, and interactive texts to create and answer all three levels of questions.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    1. Students will create a digital artifact by using the virtual bulletin board Padlet and upload it to Google Classroom.
    2. Students will use the Internet and/or the novel to research interesting facts related to Woodlawn. (other topics)

    Activity Details

    (Students should log into their Google account first)

    1. Instruct students to go to Padlet and log in.




    2. Select make a Padlet


    3. Select shelf template (blue)


    4. The next screen allows students to:

    • change the background (upload a picture optional)
    • add a title for the Padlet
    • change fonts
    • other options
    • select next
    • select public and can read


    5. At this point, students will need instructions or questions for the selected topic to research. Students will use the Internet and the novel Woodlawn to find five interesting facts related to Tony Nathan, Woodlawn, Tandy Gerelds, civil rights, and segregation. In addition, the students will include an image and the URL.


    Sample Padlet (shelf template)



    Artic Padlet (canvas template)



    6. When students have completed the assignment, then it will be linked to Google Classroom.


    7. On the Padlet page, in the upper right-hand corner, instruct students to click on the word share, select public, those with access can read (this is in a drop-down menu so arrow down), then share/export. Students will share the Padlet to Google Classroom by selecting the link. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies


    Padlet Rubric


    Excellent, complete, meets expectations


    Fair/Could use improvement






    Student included at least 3 images

    Student included at least 2 images

    Student included 0 images


    No spelling/grammar errors/no slang; Title Case where appropriate

    1-2 spelling/grammar errors

    3+ spelling/grammar errors


    All pictures and text are appropriate for school and relate to the topic. 

    Most pictures and text are appropriate for school and some relate to the topic. 

    Many pictures and or text is off topic and do not relate to the assignment.


    Student described the topic in detail. The topic is explained well enough that the reader will understand the topic.

    The student described the topic with little detail. The reader understands little about the topic.


    The student did not explain the topic. 


    Padlet is organized and easy to follow.

    Padlet has good information but it does not flow.

    Padlet is hard to follow.


    Student copied and pasted the URL to the Padlet for all of the resources, including images.

    Student cited most of the material but not all.

    The student did not cite his or her sources.

    Content 40 points


    1-8 is complete and submitted correctly.


    1-8 has missing information.

    1-8 has many missing components and it was not turned incorrectly.





     Content Requirements:


    1. Login in to Google Classroom
    2. Open your Padlet Account
    3. Create a new Padlet by using the “shelf template.”
    4. Create the following headings

    Tony Nathan       Woodlawn      Tandy Gerelds          Civil Rights         Segregation


    1. Use your book and/or the internet and find 5 interesting facts related to the 5 topics.
    2. Include pictures related to the selected facts.
    3. Include the URL.
    4. When your Padlet is complete, upload it to Google Classroom.

    Variation Tips

    Make a hard copy for students who have a difficult time going from the board to the device.


    Shorten the assignment for students who have IEPs. 3 facts instead of 5.


    Provide students with a partner.


    Other Uses:


    1. History Timelines

    2. Book Reports

    3. Scientific Research

    4. Historical Figures

    5. Current Events

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Chromebooks or other devices (1 per student)

    Overhead Projector

    Internet Access

    Novel Woodlawn by Todd Gerelds (or any novel or subject)

    Access to Google classroom

    Access to Padlet  https://padlet.com/

    Sample Padlet for students to model 


    Padlet boxes have the ability for students to search the Internet, insert links, and other easy to use features that make this a great tool for research.


    In addition, students can use the drop-down menu to search google, find an image, then click on it, and the image will be placed in the designated column.


    I strongly suggest allowing the students to have an opportunity to become familiar with the site before using it for an assessment in order to work out the kinks.


    The site has many layouts but the shelf and canvas templates work best for a writing assignment.


    In addition, once the assignments are complete, I have the students copy the Padlet link and share it on Google Classroom or use the Google Classroom link on the share/export page.

    Digital Tools / Resources