Standards - World Languages


Identify ways the study of Latin is beneficial to the study of other languages.

COS Examples

Examples: Similarities between the vocabulary of Latin and the Romance languages, as in the Latin word homo, the Spanish word hombre, and the French word l’homme.


Connect with personal interests using knowledge of Latin and the Greco-Roman world.

COS Examples

Examples: Plan real or imaginary travel to places once a part of the Roman Empire, and listen to music, and sing songs in Latin.


Interact with others in formulaic social situations.

COS Examples

Example: Carrying out more involved conversations in simple Latin sentences about a passage being read in class or conversing with others to learn more about them.


Analyze the style of Latin prose authors to comprehend content.

COS Examples

Examples: Describe the tone of a passage from Cicero

Explain the use of rhetorical devices in speeches by Cicero.


Answer questions in Latin or English to demonstrate understanding of adapted or unadapted Latin prose authors appropriate to Level III.

COS Examples

Examples of grammar appropriate to Level III: See the Latin Grammar Addendum (Appendix A, page 67).

Examples of Latin prose authors: Caesar, Cicero, Pliny, Sallust, and Livy.


Write briefly and present information using a series of properly phrased simple sentences.

COS Examples

Examples: Write sentences about topics of Roman and Greek culture and history.

Prepare written materials for presentation, translating English sentences into Latin

Recite memorized authentic Latin prose such as Cicero’s first Catilinarian oration.


Analyze important people in Roman history and literature to determine their cultural significance.

COS Examples

Examples: Gracchi brothers, Plautus, Terence, Cicero, Catiline, Sallust, Livy, Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Seneca, or Tacitus.


Contrast the ideals of Roman political factions in the first Century B.C.E.

COS Examples

Example: The conflict between Cicero and Catiline, the proposed policies of the optimates and populares.


Analyze figures from Roman history and literature to identify their influence on American history.

COS Examples

Example: The influence of Cincinnatus on George Washington.


Analyze the style of selections from Roman prose to investigate its influence on today’s world of diverse cultures.

COS Examples

Example: Phrases such as O tempora O mores“ in a modern context.


Compare the style of Roman prose authors to that used in contemporary history and politics.

COS Examples

Example: Compare one of Pliny’s letters to a current piece or writing, such as an open letter published in a newspaper.


Analyze the structure of Roman rhetoric and its influence on contemporary rhetorical styles.

COS Examples

Example: Compare one of Cicero’s orations to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream“ speech.


Compare issues that reveal cultural similarities between the ancient world and modern cultures.

COS Examples

Examples: Sallust’s account of the 63 B.C.E. senate debate on capital punishment and the modern debate on capital punishment, Cicero’s consternation regarding the appropriate punishment of insurgent citizens and the current debate on what to do about domestic terrorism.