Standards - Social Studies


Describe patterns of settlement in different regions of the world.

COS Examples

Examples: linear, grid, cluster, urban sprawl

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The diversity of human settlements.
  • The agricultural village forms and various urban structure models.
  • The variables affecting human settlement patterns.


Students are able to:
  • Illustrate the different urban structure models and various agricultural village forms.
  • Compare and contrast variations of human settlement patterns.


Students understand that:
  • Human settlement patterns vary in different parts of the world.
  • Many factors influence settlement patterns.


  • patterns
  • settlement
  • regions
  • world


Analyze the interaction of urban places for their impact on surrounding regions.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The basic hierarchy of the world's prominent cities.
  • The impact of cities on surrounding areas.
  • How cities function as a network.


Students are able to:
  • Map the world's most influential cities.
  • Evaluate how cities operate as a network.


Students understand that:
  • There are many ways that urban places affect surrounding regions.
  • There is an interconnectedness of cities.


  • interaction
  • urban
  • places
  • impact
  • regions


Explain how economic interdependence and globalization impact many countries and their populations.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How the economies of various countries interact with one another and how it affects the global division of labor.
  • The impact of globalization on various nation-states.
  • What trading blocs are and how they impact people around the world.


Students are able to:
  • Compare and contrast the effects of globalization on various regions of the world.
  • Explain how the various development models relate to globalization and economic development.
  • Locate less developed and more developed regions of the world.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of global trade agreements.


Students understand that:
  • Populations in various countries are impacted by economic interdependence and globalization.


  • economic
  • interdependence
  • globalization
  • impact
  • countries
  • populations


Recognize how human-environmental interaction affects culture in today’s society.

COS Examples

Examples: population growth in the Galapagos Islands damaging the environment of endemic plant and animal species, deforestation in the Pantanal affecting the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem, green technologies affecting humans and the environment

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How humans have impacted the earth's environment.
  • The major factors contributing to environmental change.
  • How humans are responding to environmental change.


Students are able to:
  • List several ways humans have impacted the environment.
  • Evaluate reasons why environmental change occurs.
  • Map areas of the world most affected by human activity.


Students understand that:
  • Culture is impacted by humans interacting with the environment.


  • human-environment
  • interaction
  • recognize
  • culture
  • society


Interpret human geography as it relates to gender.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How gender dynamics are changing in various parts of the world.
  • How issues related to gender affect power relationships and culture.


Students are able to:
  • Understand how roles related to gender are changing.
  • Compare and contrast roles of men and women around the world.
  • Recognize how gender affects power relationships between men and women.


Students understand that:
  • Gender plays a role regarding human geography.


  • human
  • geography
  • gender


Distinguish among cultural health patterns around the world.

COS Examples

Example: exercise patterns and mortality rates in Asia, the United States, Europe, South America, and Australia

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How caloric consumption rates relate to disease patterns.
  • The implications of wealth and geographic location on nutrition and disease.
  • Terms related to heath and disease issues.


Students are able to:
  • Compare caloric consumption rates of various regions.
  • Draw conclusions from population, health, and disease related data.
  • Examine disease prevalence and efforts at treatment around the world.


Students understand that:
  • There are patterns related to health and disease around the world.


  • cultural
  • health
  • patterns
  • world


Critique music, art, and dance as vehicles for understanding world cultures.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The cultural significance of music, art, and dance.
  • Origins of certain musical, art, and dance forms and their diffusion.


Students are able to:
  • Compare and contrast the musical, art, and dance forms of various cultural groups around the world.


Students understand that:
  • Music, art, and dance influences cultures around the world.


  • music
  • art
  • dance
  • world
  • culture


Describe how tourism shapes cultural traditions and population growth.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Tourism is problematic as it relates to the maintenance of cultural traditions.
  • How eco-tourism can be beneficial to the development of a country.
  • How tourism contributes little to a country's long term economic development.


Students are able to:
  • Identify major tourist destinations in the world.
  • Analyze the impact tourism has on countries in question.


Students understand that:
  • Cultural traditions and population growth can be shaped by tourism.


  • tourism
  • cultural
  • traditions
  • population
  • growth
  • SS10.P.1

    Trace the development of psychology as a scientific discipline evolving from other fields of study.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The philosophical ideas of Aristotle, John Locke, Wilhelm Wundt, William James, Frantz Fanon, Charles Darwin, G. Stanley Hall.
    • The following schools of psychology, including structuralism, functionalism, Gestalt psychology, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, humanistic psychology, psychoanalysis/ psychodynamic perspective, biopsychology.
    • The biopsychosocial perspective, which highlights the eclectic approach to behavior and mental processes.
    • The different subfields in psychology, including educational psychology, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychology, social psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, and clinical psychology.
    • The ways in which psychological science can be used in different careers, situations, and experiences.


    Students are able to:
    • Cite textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources (writings of philosophers/early scientists/psychologists).
    • Provide accurate summaries of the writings of philosophers/scientists/psychologists.
    • Evaluate various explanations for actions and events and determining which explanation is best according to the diagnosis and evidence.
    • Evaluate different points of view when looking at behavior and mental processes.


    Students understand that:
    • Psychology is a scientific discipline.
    • There are different ways in which psychologists explain behavior and mental processes.
    • There is a historical progression of ideas about behavior and mental processes.
    • There are ways in which psychological science can be applied to different situations and experiences.


    • psychology
    • empiricism
    • introspection
    • psychophysics
    • evolution
    • functionalism
    • structuralism
    • Gestalt psychology
    • psychoanalysis
    • psychodynamic perspective
    • humanistic perspective
    • "third force" in psychology
    • behaviorism
    • cognitive perspective
    • biopsychology
    • biopsychosocial perspective
    • neuroscience
    • industrial/organizational psychology
    • educational psychology
    • psychiatrist
    • psychologist
    • developmental psychology
    • evolutionary psychology
    • social psychology
    • clinical psychology


    Describing early psychological and biological inquiries that led to contemporary approaches and methods of experimentation, including ideologies of Aristotle, John Locke, Wilhelm Wundt, Charles Darwin, William James, Frantz Fanon, and G. Stanley Hall


    Describe research strategies used by psychologists to explore mental processes and behavior.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The role of the scientific method in understanding phenomena.
    • The basic steps of the scientific method.
    • How to calculate measures of central tendency.
    • The importance of following ethical guidelines when conducting research.


    Students are able to:
    • Cite evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary descriptions of research.
    • Provide an accurate summary of primary and secondary descriptions of research, identifying the essential elements of the particular research being conducted.
    • Analyze primary and secondary descriptions of research to determine whether the research conducted best suited the question posed.
    • Decipher key terms or jargon used by psychologists when writing up research for publication and public consumption.
    • Evaluate whether a researcher's or participant's biases influenced the outcome, description of, or conclusions drawn for the research.
    • Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information to determine if the research conducted was accurate and representative of the population being studied.
    • Cite supporting or contradicting evidence for various research descriptions.
    • Integrate research findings to explain a particular psychological phenomena.


    Students understand that:
    • The scientific method plays a role in understanding behavior and mental processes.
    • Different research methods are appropriate for different empirical questions about behavior and mental processes.
    • You can conduct research using different methodologies.
    • Simple statistics can be calculated using data collected from research.
    • Different statistics derived from research can be interpreted.
    • There are important ethical guidelines for working with human and non-human participants in research.


    intuition hindsight bias
    • overconfidence
    • belief perseverance
    • self-serving bias
    • confirmation bias
    • hypothesis
    • theory
    • naturalistic observation
    • case study
    • survey
    • correlation
    • correlation coefficient
    • direct correlation/positive correlation
    • inverse correlation/negative correlation
    • random sampling
    • random assignment
    • experiment
    • independent variable
    • dependent variable
    • confounding variable
    • double-blind procedure
    • control group
    • experimental group
    • mean
    • median
    • mode
    • normal curve
    • skewed distribution
    • range
    • standard deviation
    • p-value
    • statistical significance
    • ethics
    • informed consent
    • debriefing
    • anonymity
    • confidentiality


    Describing the type of methodology and strategies used by researchers in different psychological studies

    COS Examples

    Examples: surveys, naturalistic observations, case studies, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies


    Describing the use of statistics in evaluating research, including calculating the mean, median, and mode from a set of data; conducting a simple correlational analysis using either calculators or computer software; and explaining the meaning of statistical significance


    Explain how processes of the central and peripheral nervous systems underlie behavior and mental processes, including how neurons are the basis for neural communication.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • The basic anatomy of the nervous systems.
    • Basic processes in chemistry, including diffusion and ion exchange.
    • The basic concepts of genetics, including genes, DNA, and chromosomes.


    Students are able to:
    • Summarize complex biological processes into simpler but still accurate terms.
    • Determine the meaning of key terms and concepts from biopsychology.
    • Synthesize information from a range of sources about biological processes to describe complex behavior and mental processes coherently.


    Students understand that:
    • The nervous system has a specific organization and function.
    • Drugs affect the communication of the nervous systems.
    • Neurons communicate electrochemically.
    • The brain is organized by structure and function.
    • There are many ways in which researchers study the brain and nervous systems.
    • Hemispheric lateralization works in split and whole brains.
    • Behavior and mental processes are influenced by genetics and environmental factors.


    • central nervous system
    • peripheral nervous system
    • autonomic nervous system
    • skeletal (somatic) nervous system
    • sympathetic nervous system
    • parasympathetic nervous system
    • neuron
    • dendrites
    • axon
    • semipermeable
    • ion
    • resting potential
    • action potential
    • sodium-potassium pump
    • myelin
    • terminal buttons
    • all-or-none law
    • thresholds
    • refractory period
    • neurotransmitters
    • serotonin
    • dopamine
    • acetylcholine
    • GABA
    • glutamate
    • endorphins
    • reuptake
    • synapse
    • medulla
    • pons
    • reticular formation
    • thalamus
    • hypothalamus
    • hippocampus
    • amygdala
    • frontal lobe
    • parietal lobe
    • occipital lobe
    • temporal lobe
    • corpus callosum
    • motor cortex
    • sensory cortex
    • Broca's area
    • Wernicke's area
    • right visual field
    • left visual field
    • epilepsy
    • hemisphere lateralization
    • DNA
    • genes
    • chromosomes
    • identical twins
    • fraternal twins
    • adoption studies
    • EEG
    • PET scan
    • CT scan
    • MRI
    • fMRI