Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Are You Jumping for Joy or Pitching a Fit?

Subject Area

Arts Education
English Language Arts




What makes you jump? When someone scares you? When you are fuming mad? When you are excited about scoring a goal? In this lesson, students will explore all the reasons that make us jump. The students will write a poem about a time they jumped and make a simple collage of themselves jumping. 

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Utilize the writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.

    Unpacked Content



    • Writing process
    • Plan
    • Draft
    • Revise
    • Edit
    • Publish
    • Genres


    Students know:
    • The writing process steps are to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish.
    • Various genres of writing.


    Students are able to:
    • Plan writings in various genres.
    • Draft writings in various genres.
    • Revise writings in various genres.
    • Edit writings in various genres.
    • Publish writings in various genres.


    Students understand that:
    • The writing process is a set of steps that make writing easier.
    • There are different categories, or genres, of writing that can be used for different purposes.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Use content knowledge built during read-alouds of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through drawing and writing.

    Unpacked Content



    • Content knowledge
    • Read-alouds
    • Informational text
    • Literary text
    • Participating
    • Content-specific discussions
    • Peers
    • Drawing
    • Writing


    Students know:
    • Content knowledge can be learned from read-alouds of informational and literary texts.
    • Content knowledge can be shared with others through discussions, drawing, or writing.


    Students are able to:
    • Gain new content knowledge by engaging in read-alouds of informational and literary texts.
    • Participate in discussions with their peers demonstrating their knowledge of content-specific topics.
    • Produce drawings or writing that displays content knowledge learned through read-alouds.


    Students understand that:
    • They can learn new information by engaging in read-alouds of informational and literary texts.
    • They can demonstrate their understanding of content-specific knowledge through discussions, drawing, or writing.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    With prompting and support, write simple poems about a chosen subject.

    Unpacked Content



    • Simple poems
    • Subject
    • Prompting
    • Support


    Students know:
    • The components of a simple poem.


    Students are able to:
    With prompting and support,
    • Choose a subject for a poem.
    • Write a simple poem.


    Students understand that:
    • Poetry is a genre of writing that includes certain features and usually focuses on particular subjects.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 1 - Visual Arts


    Explore and experiment with a range of art materials.

    Unpacked Content



    • Complementary colors
    • Contrast
    • Curator
    • Elements of Art
      • Texture
    • Landscapes
    • Portrait
    • Positive/ negative space and shape
    • Principles of design
      • Repetition
      • Variety
    • Secondary colors
    • Still life
    • Technique
    • Venue

    Essential Questions

    EU: Artists and designers shape artistic investigations, following or breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative artmaking goals.
    EQ: How does knowing the contexts, histories, and traditions of art forms help create works of art and design? Why do artists follow or break from established traditions? How do artists determine what resources and criteria are needed to formulate artistic investigations?

    Skills Examples

    • Work with a partner or small group to create an artwork.
    • Use the book Perfect Square by Michael Hall to help "thinking outside the box" skills.
    • Create two-dimensional artworks using a variety of gadgets for printmaking.
    • Use paint media to create paintings of family portraits or a favorite memory.
    • Create three-dimensional artworks such as clay pinch pots or found-object sculptures.
    • View a step-by-step demonstration of an artistic technique.
    • Properly clean and store art materials.
    • Use Mouse Paint book by Helen Walsh to teach color mixing of primary to achieve secondary colors.
    • Create a painting inspired by Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie.
    • Create a "Pop Art" inspired artwork of positive and negative spaces and shapes by using colored paper cut-outs and gluing to different background squares.
    • Make a color wheel and identify the complimentary colors (red and green, blue and orange, yellow and purple).
    • Draw different forms in the school environment: cones in the gym, cubes in math center, and sphere used for a globe.
    • Create texture rubbings by placing paper over different surfaces and rubbing with a crayon or oil pastel. Use a rough brick wall, a smooth table, bumpy bubble wrap, or soft felt shapes.
    • Use repetition in art by looking at the designs on a shell or the stripes of a zebra for inspiration.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    The students will write free verse poetry to express feelings.

    The students will create two-dimensional art.

    Additional Learning Objective(s)

    Students will add a visual display to clarify their feelings related to their poem.  Speaking audibly, students will share their poem with the class. 



    1.  Ask students to turn and talk to a partner about a time they jumped. Share ideas with the class and list them on the board. Examples:  jumping rope, playing basketball, dancing, cheering, jumping over something, jumping into a pool, and playing hopscotch.

    2.  Read When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry... by Molly Bang or similar story that shows emotions. 

    3.  Lead students in a discussion about jumping when we are mad. Ask a student to demonstrate what that might look like. 

    Developmental Activity

    4.  Create a list of synonyms for the word "jump". Examples:  bound, leap, hop, skip, soar, shoot, fly. 

    5.  Tell students that they will create a free verse poem about a time they jumped.  Revisit the list of reasons we jump and add any new ideas. 

    6.  Review the elements of a free verse poem (doesn't have to rhyme, can be in phrases instead of complete sentences, words may be repeated for emphasis, etc.). 

    7.  Allow students time to talk with a partner about their ideas. Encourage them to write their thoughts down as soon as they think of an idea. Choose their best idea. Remember the feelings they felt while they were jumping. Ask them to incorporate these feelings into their poem.  After the poem is complete, read it to their partner for proofing.

    Art Steps (Example here): 

    8.  Distribute construction paper of various colors. Students will cut shapes to make the different parts of the body. Demonstrate how to position the shapes on the white paper to create a figure. Explain that they should move the pieces around to create different positions and find the one they like best before gluing. Use thin markers to add facial features. Students will also use construction paper to add details such as a basketball, clouds, grass, etc.

    Culminating Activity

    9.  Students will rewrite their poems on their collage paper. Students will share their poems and artwork with the class.

    Extension Activity

    10. Make a T-Chart of appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with anger. Discuss the concept of self-control. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Teacher observation

    Student participation during discussions

    Rubric for poetry and artwork


    Students who excel at poetry writing may write and publish additional poems.  Students could also be allowed to type their poems using a word processor.


    Students who struggle with ideas or writing poetry will work with teacher individually or in small groups to encourage creativity and confidence.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    61 to 90 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Gather various colors of construction paper.

    Make a copy of the Poem Rubric (one per student)

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry... by Molly Bang or similar story that shows emotion

    Construction paper in various colors




    thin markers

    Poem Rubric (one per student)

    Technology Resources Needed

    Computer with Internet access (if you don't have the book)

    Digital Projector or Interactive Whiteboard (if you don't have the book)