Animal Research With Pebble Go (Part 2)

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




In this activity, students will use keyword searches in Pebble Go to research a chosen animal and curate information about that animal. The information will be collected on a note-taking graphic organizer.  The students will record four facts about their animal. Students will choose 2 favorite facts from the four they curated.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 2


Conduct basic keyword searches to gather information.



  • search engine
  • quotation marks


Students know:
  • a search engine searches exactly what you type.
  • a search engine may only produce search results for one or some of your keywords.
  • using a plus (+) sign between words tells the search engine to search for all of the words and using a minus (-) sign before a word will exclude that word from your search.
  • putting quotation marks around a set of words or a phrase tells the search engine to keep those words together in a search.


Students are able to:
  • state important key words that pertain to a topic
  • use the plus (+) sign to tell the search engine to search for both words in a resource and use a minus (-) sign before a word to remove it from your search.
  • use quotation marks around a phrase to communicate to the search engine that they want that phrase to be found with the words in that order.


Students understand that:
  • search engines have to be told exactly what to search.
  • a search engine will search each word separately unless it is told it to search for a phrase or multiple words or to exclude words.

Learning Objectives

Students will perform a keyword search on Pebble Go.

Students will record facts from Pebble Go about an animal.

Students will choose two favorite facts from their notes to use in the final product.

Activity Details

1. The teacher will say, “Now that we have researched an animal together, it is time for you to conduct your own research. You will be researching the animal that we picked.” (Refer to the "Before" activity for directions.)

2. Direct students to follow these instructions after they access the link for the digital tool/resource:

  • Click on “Elementary School''
  • Click on “Pebble Go”
  • Click on “Animals” then do a keyword search for your assigned animal.
  • **It works best if you do each step one at a time and wait for students to “get there” before sharing the next step.

3. Students will work independently to conduct a keyword search to locate the Pebble Go article about their animal. They will research their chosen animal and record four facts on the note-taking graphic organizer. When four facts have been recorded, the students will circle their favorite 2 facts.

4. The teacher will say, “We will use your two favorite facts to create a one-pager to share information about your animal.”

Assessment Strategies

During the activity, the teacher will circulate and check for understanding. Periodically the teacher will check for understanding for the class as a whole using the “fist to five” strategy. In this strategy, teachers will ask students to rate their competency level in conducting keyword searches. Using their fingers they will show understanding using the following scale:

  • 1 finger - I have my facts and am ready to move on.
  • 2 fingers - I have my facts, but I am still writing them down.
  • 3 fingers - I am still looking for my facts.
  • 4 fingers - I have typed in my keyword search and am reading the information.
  • 5 fingers - I need help with my keyword search.

The note-taking graphic organizer will also be used as an assessment tool to determine if the student located the appropriate research. The teacher will review each student’s completed graphic organizer to determine if the student was able to use a keyword search to gather information about their assigned animal.


These students could visit Epic! books and read a book relating to their animal and add a few facts from the books to their note-taking graphic organizer in addition to the four facts they gather from the Pebble Go article.


Pair students with a peer model to increase understanding. These students could record two facts rather than four.

Variation Tips

Your school librarian could be a great co-teacher for this lesson.

This activity can be used as a stand-alone activity but works best in conjunction with Animal Research with Pebble Go Part 1 (before activity) and Animal Research with Pebble Go Part 3 (after activity).

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to be familiar with navigating through the Animal articles on Pebble Go. They will also need to be familiar with using Google Drawings in order to edit and/or print out the note-taking organizer.

The students need to be familiar with navigating to a website. The students will need to be familiar with recording information on a notetaking sheet. 

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources

  • Pebble Go (accessed through Alabama Virtual Library - Click on “Elementary School'' Click on “Pebble Go” Click on “Animals” then search for your animal. (Picture instructions found here.)
  • Printed copies of the Animal Research Note-Taking Organizer 
  • Epic! Books (extension only) The teacher will need to set up a free account so that students have access to this site.
  • Internet Capable Device (for both teacher and students)
  • Projector/interactive whiteboard
  • Pencil