Human Body Systems Reflection

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





Padlet is an electronic bulletin board that can be used for student reflection. In this culminating activity, the students will use this digital tool to complete a reflection of their research on human body systems. Then, students will communicate their learning with a partner or small group.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Science (2015) Grade(s): 4


Obtain and communicate information explaining that humans have systems that interact with one another for digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, movement, control, coordination, and protection from disease.



  • communicate
  • articulate
  • obtain
  • structure
  • function
  • interactions
  • digestion
  • respiration
  • circulation
  • excretion
  • movement
  • control
  • coordination
  • protection
  • disease
  • body systems


Students know:
  • Humans have systems that interact with one another.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the digestive system.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the respiratory system.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the circulatory system.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the excretory system.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the systems that contribute to movement, control, and coordination.
  • The purpose, functions, and interactions of the systems that protect the body from disease.


Students are able to:
  • Obtain information by reading and comprehending grade-appropriate complex texts about the interacting systems in the human body.
  • Evaluate information about interactions and functions of human body systems by comparing and/or combining across complex texts and/or other reliable media.
  • Communicate information orally and/or in written formats about interactions and functions of human body systems.


Students understand that:
  • The body is a system of interacting parts that makes up a whole and carries out functions its individual parts can not.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models

Learning Objectives

Students will reflect on their learning regarding human body systems.

Students will communicate information about human body systems by explaining their research findings.

Activity Details

  1. Students will review their notes taken on their assigned human body system (see Human Body Research During Activity).
  2. Recalling what they have learned, students will create an electronic "sticky note" using Padlet.
  3. The note should include the student's name and at least two interesting facts they learned while researching their assigned human body system.
  4. The facts should be written in complete sentences.
  5. After students have added their "sticky note" to the Padlet, students will review their classmates' Padlet entries.
  6. Students will share at least one fact they learned about a body system (other than the one they researched) with a partner and/or small group.


Assessment Strategies

The student's note will be assessed for:

  • The student included their name.
  • The student included two interesting facts about their assigned human body system, using complete sentences.
  • The teacher will review each student’s note to ensure the student obtained accurate information about their assigned body system.
  • The teacher will observe student discussions about their research findings to determine if students are able to explain information about other human body systems.


Students may want to include more than two interesting facts they learned about their assigned human body system.


ELL students may be allowed to write their responses in their home language. Students with writing disabilities may need to respond orally. 

Variation Tips

If the teacher does not wish to create a Padlet or does not have access to internet-connected devices for each student, chart paper and paper sticky notes may be used. Students will have the same requirements for reflection but will write their reflections on paper instead. 

This reflection technique could be used in the library or in the classroom.

Background / Preparation

If the teacher does not have a Padlet account, they will need to create one.

After logging into the account, the teacher will click "Make a Padlet" from their Dashboard.

  1. The "Make a Padlet" button is located in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. The teacher will be directed to choose a format. The Wall format is best suited for this activity.
  3. A Padlet will be created and the settings bar will open on the right side of the screen.
  4. On the right side, the teacher will need to give the Padlet a Title and Description. Under Appearance, the teacher will select a Wallpaper, Color Scheme, and Font. The teacher may choose to leave the Padlet as pre-formatted. 
  5. Padlet also allows for options for posting, such as time stamps, reactions, etc. The teacher can select to use these options.
  6. The teacher may also choose options to allow for teacher approval or to filter for profanity.

After creating the Padlet, the teacher can share the Padlet link with students via Copy Link.

Students can add their responses by clicking on the plus + sign to add their posts.

Students will need prior knowledge of how to use Padlet.

Students should have completed the associated During activity prior to this activity.

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources

  1. Internet-capable devices for each student and the teacher
  2. A projector and a whiteboard to project the activity