Researching the Wetlands Ecosystem

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




The purpose of this activity is to obtain information on the wetlands ecosystem using the Pebble Go Online Encyclopedia. Using the informational text, students will define a wetland, determine where wetlands are located,  identify the plants and animals found in a wetland, and identify the layers of a wetlands ecosystem. Students will write about and illustrate their findings in a trifold brochure. 

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Science (2015) Grade(s): 2


Obtain information from literature and other media to illustrate that there are many different kinds of living things and that they exist in different places on land and in water (e.g., woodland, tundra, desert, rainforest, ocean, river).



  • Literature
  • Media
  • Diversity
  • Habitats
  • Woodland
  • Tundra
  • Desert
  • Rainforest
  • Ocean
  • River


Students know:
  • Plants and animals are diverse within different habitats.


Students are able to:
  • Obtain information from literature and other media.
  • Illustrate the different kinds of living things and the different habitats in which they can be found.


Students understand that:
  • There are many different kinds of living things in any area, and they exist in different places on land and in water.

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts


Learning Objectives

Students will use informational text found in the Pebble Go Online Encyclopedia to research the definition and locations of wetlands and describe wetlands' layers, plants, and animals.

Students will use digital tools for research and writing.

Students will summarize the information using words and illustrations and create a trifold brochure.

Students will properly cite their sources of information.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will review the definition of an ecosystem. The teacher will say, "An ecosystem is a group of animals and plants that work together with their surroundings" (Glossary definition from "Wetlands." PebbleGo, Capstone, 13 June 2023,
  2. The teacher will state, "Today we are researching what plants and animals are found in a wetlands ecosystem. When we finish, you will create a trifold brochure showcasing your learning. Look at my example of a brochure."
  3. Show the teacher-created sample to students as a reference.
  4. The teacher will access the Wetlands article on the Pebble Go Online Encyclopedia and display using a projector:
  5. The teacher will use the read-aloud feature on the Pebble Go Online Encyclopedia to read the article to the students. The teacher will click on the linked glossary words (in blue print) to expand students' understanding of scientific vocabulary. The teacher will check for understanding before going to the article's next section.
  6. The students will actively participate in a group discussion using the comprehension questions that accompany the Pebble Go Wetlands article. 
  7. The teacher will explain the assessment expectations for the trifold brochure. The teacher will say, "Let's make sure that you understand what I am looking for in your brochure. Let's go over each criterion."
    • The research source was safe and teacher-approved.
    • Students gathered information and wrote at least two sentences using proper capitalization and punctuation for each brochure section.
    • Student research gathered should include:
      • definition of a wetland
      • wetland locations
      • identification of wetland plants and animals
      • identification of the layers of a wetlands ecosystem
    • Students illustrated their brochure with at least one illustration per section.
    • Students demonstrated ethical research procedures by citing their sources using the "Cite" function on Pebble Go.
  8. The teacher will give each student a pre-printed template
  9. Students will work individually on their trifold brochure. The teacher may want to print a copy of the Wetlands article for students to refer to:
  10. If students have individual internet-accessible devices, the teacher may want to model how to access the Wetlands article. The teacher may provide a QR code for the article so students can scan and go directly to the article.
  11. After reviewing the article, students will construct a trifold brochure paraphrasing what they have learned from the Wetlands article. Students will add appropriate student-created illustrations, and cite the source of their information.

Assessment Strategies

Teacher expectations for trifold brochure:

  • The research source was safe and teacher-approved.
  • Students gathered information and wrote at least two sentences using proper capitalization and punctuation for each brochure section.

Student research gathered should include:

  • definition of a wetland
  • wetland locations
  • identification of wetland plants and animals
  • identification of the layers of a wetlands ecosystem
  • Students illustrated their brochure with at least one illustration per section.
  • Students demonstrated ethical research procedures by citing their sources using the "Cite" function on Pebble Go.

Trifold brochure -  student trifold template

Using the teacher expectations rubric, the teacher will assess student learning. The teacher may want to additionally conference with the student regarding their self-evaluation. After conferencing, the student may choose to reconsider their completion of the project in order to accomplish the tasks more completely.


ELL students may require a translated version of the researched article, expectations rubric, and trifold brochure template. 

Students may need additional time at home or in class to complete the writing and illustrating portion of the trifold brochure.

Variation Tips

This task can be used as a stand-alone activity or in conjunction with Living Things in a Wetlands Ecosystem (before activity) and Researching the Wetlands Ecosystem Reflection (after activity).

Background / Preparation

Access and review the Wetlands article ensuring subject area knowledge:

Print and make individual copies of the Wetlands article for student reference (print the entire article):

Or if individual student devices are available, use a QR code to access the article:

Print individual student copies of the trifold brochure template:

Create a sample trifold brochure to demonstrate the project's expectations to students using the template and the expectations rubric.

The teacher must be familiar with Pebble Go and how to use the tools embedded within the article.

The student must be familiar with Pebble Go and how to use the tools embedded within the article.

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

31 to 45 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Materials and Resources

  • Internet-capable device for accessing the online encyclopedia
  • Projector to display the article
  • Copy paper
  • Copies of Wetlands article or QR codes copies for digital device use
  • Copies of the trifold brochure template for each student
  • Pencils, colored pencils, or crayons for each student