Hardware and Software With Pebble Go (Part 3)

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science




In this activity, students will create a poster about computer hardware and software using Google Drawings (or other graphic design software). They will add facts about computer hardware and software from their note-taking graphic organizers. They will add images, graphics, or videos to their posters.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


Communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains, using digital tools.



  • key ideas
  • informs
  • persuades
  • entertains
  • communicate
  • digital tools
  • collaborate
  • online environment
  • tutorial
  • artifact


Students know:
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to entertain others.
  • how to locate directions or tutorials for working in digitial tools.
  • that communication has a specific purpose and audience.
  • that collaboration in digital tools can occur 24/7 in various locations.


Students are able to:
  • design communications using various digital tools that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
  • locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
  • explain the purpose of an artifact they create.
  • collaborate with peers in an online environment.


Students understand that:
  • various digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
  • directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
  • all communication has a purpose.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


Describe the differences between hardware and software.



  • hardware
  • software


Students know:
  • hardware is the physical device.
  • software is the code installed on the device that makes it work.


Students are able to:
  • determine the differences between hardware and software.
  • describe the differences between hardware and software.


Students understand that:
  • hardware and software are different components that make a computing device function.
  • hardware is the physical device.
  • software is the code installed on the device that makes it function.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will compare and contrast computer hardware and computer software.
  • Students will use graphic design software to share the information they curated from Pebble Go.

Activity Details

1. Read through lesson objectives with students:

  • Students will compare and contrast computer hardware and computer software.
  • Students will use graphic design software to share the information they curated from Pebble Go.

2. The teacher will say, “Now that we have read our articles and found information about computer hardware and software it is time to create a poster to share your learning. We are going to use graphic design software to create our posters.”

3. The teacher will direct students to open a new Google Drawing using these instructions:


    Open Google Drive
  • Click “New”
  • Click “Google Drawings.”
  • Note: If the teacher and/or students do not have access to Google Drawings, another type of graphic design software can be used. 

4. The teacher will show a sample Google Drawings poster. The sample provided in this activity may be used or the teacher can create their own sample.

5. The teacher will model how to add text boxes, shapes, and images to Google Drawings (or other graphic design software).

6. Students will then create their posters. The teacher will circulate around the room to answer questions and gauge progress.

7. The posters should include a title, the facts curated from the articles, one similarity and one difference between hardware and software, one image, and a text box citing where they found their information.

Assessment Strategies

The poster will be gathered and evaluated to determine the level of understanding of the similarities and differences between computer hardware and software.

The poster will serve as a formative assessment for both standards.

Each poster must include the following:

  • Title
  • Facts curated from the articles
  • One similarity between computer hardware and software
  • One difference between computer hardware and software
  • One image
  • Text box citing where they found their information


These students may choose to use Canva to create their posters. This tool is a little bit more complicated than using Google Drawings and offers many more features. Let these students explore the tools and create their posters on their own with minimal teacher direction. They could work on this independently or in a group. (As long as students know how to add text and images to a digital document, they should be able to figure out how to use Canva with minimal teacher direction.)


These students can be pulled into a small group with the teacher to create their poster with the teacher's direction. 

Background / Preparation

The teacher will need to be familiar with using Google Drawings in order to model how to create a poster. Teachers need to create a sample poster or use the one provided to show students what is expected. They will also need to be familiar with Canva in order to answer any questions from the extension students.

The students need to be familiar with adding text boxes and images in Google Drawings.

Total Duration

31 to 45 Minutes

Materials and Resources

  • Completed Note-taking graphic organizer from During Activity
  • Sample Poster
  • Google Drawings - Accessed through Google Drive (Students and teacher will need Google Accounts) - or access to another graphic design software
  • Internet Capable Devices for the teacher and the students
  • Projector or interactive whiteboard
  • Canva (acceleration activity only) - this will require a free account.