Examples of Clear, Coherent Language Suitable for Audience and Purpose

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts


9, 10


After students have learned the criteria of language that is clear, coherent, and suitable for a specific audience and purpose, they will view examples and non-examples of the criteria.  In this activity, the teacher will lead the students through the slideshow as students apply the criteria to the given sentences or passages. This activity contributes to students’ understanding of the standard and prepares them to write using language that is clear, coherent, and suitable for a specific audience and purpose.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.



  • Responsible research practices
  • Ethical research practices
  • Command of language
  • Target audience
  • Purpose


Students know:
  • Responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Writing skills.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English.
  • Strategies to modify writing for a particular audience and purpose.


Students are able to:
  • Write clear, coherent documents using responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent writing products.
  • Modify writing to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


Students understand that:
  • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when writing academic and workplace documents.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
  • Written language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to present clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.



  • Responsible research practices
  • Ethical research practices
  • Command of language
  • Target audience
  • Purpose


Students know:
  • Responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Presentation skills.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English.
  • Strategies to modify spoken language for a particular audience and purpose.


Students are able to:
  • Present clear, coherent products using responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent presentations.
  • Modify spoken language to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


Students understand that:
  • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when creating academic and workplace presentations.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
  • Spoken language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to write clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a particular target audience and purpose.



  • Responsible research practices
  • Ethical research practices
  • Command of language
  • Target audience
  • Purpose


Students know:
  • Responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Writing skills.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English.
  • Strategies to modify writing for a particular audience and purpose.


Students are able to:
  • Write clear, coherent documents using responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent writing products.
  • Modify writing to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


Students understand that:
  • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when writing academic and workplace documents.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
  • Written language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Utilize responsible and ethical research practices to present clear, coherent products with a command of language suitable for a target audience and purpose.



  • Responsible research practices
  • Ethical research practices
  • Command of language
  • Target audience
  • Purpose


Students know:
  • Responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Presentation skills.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English.
  • Strategies to modify spoken language for a particular audience and purpose.


Students are able to:
  • Present clear, coherent products using responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent presentations.
  • Modify spoken language to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


Students understand that:
  • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when creating academic and workplace presentations.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
  • Spoken language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will identify examples and non-examples of clear, coherent language suitable for a specific audience and purpose.
  • Students will explain why examples and non-examples are clear, coherent, and suitable for a specific audience and purpose.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will review the standard with the students. 
  2. The teacher will remind the students that they have already learned about criteria that make writing clear, coherent, and suitable for a particular audience and purpose. Using Slide 3, the teacher will review the criteria for clear writing.
  3. Using Slides 4 and 5, the students will read each  statement and determine what makes it unclear.  (The slide is animated so that the revised statements are activated with a click, so students will see only the unclear statements first.) The teacher may choose to have students contribute to class discussion, turn and talk with a partner, or jot down suggested revisions to the statement. 
  4. The teacher will click to reveal the clearer statements and discuss with the students what makes the revision an example of clear writing. 
  5. The teacher will reveal slide 6 and ask students how to make the passage clearer. The teacher may choose to have students contribute to class discussion, turn and talk with a partner, or jot down suggested revisions to the statement. 
  6. Using slide 7, the teacher will share a clearer version of the statement. The teacher may choose to have students contribute to class discussion noting what makes the revision an example of clear writing. 
  7. Using slide 8, the teacher will review criteria for coherent writing.
  8. The teacher will reveal slide 9, asking students which example displays coherence. The teacher may choose to have students contribute to class discussion, turn and talk with a partner, or jot down the appropriate audience and purpose. 
  9. Using slides 10 and 11, the teacher will explain why example A is coherent and example B is not coherent. 
  10. Using slides 12 and 13, the teacher will review the criteria of writing suitable for a particular audience and purpose. 
  11. For slides 14, 15, and 16, the teacher will give students time to read the sample passage. The teacher may choose to have students contribute to class discussion, turn and talk with a partner, or jot down the appropriate audience and purpose. (The slide is animated so that the audience and purpose are activated with a click, so students will see only the sample passages first.) 
  12. The teacher will reveal the audience and purpose for each passage.

Assessment Strategies

  • The teacher may assess students’ ability to identify examples and non-examples as they respond to the prompts on the slideshow. 
  • The teacher may assess students’ ability to explain why examples and non-examples are clear, coherent, suitable for a particular audience and purpose as they respond to prompts on the slideshow. 
  • The teacher may have students provide written responses to the prompts, collect them, and assess their responses. 
  • The teacher may assess students’ understanding of clear, coherent language that is suitable for a particular audience and purpose, by doing a thumbs up, thumbs middle, and thumbs down formative assessment after the activity.  The teacher will ask students to use thumbs up, thumbs middle, or thumbs down to indicate their level of understanding of 1. clear language, 2. coherent language, 3. language suitable for audience, 4. language suitable for purpose.


Students may write example passages or sentences for the class to analyze. 


  • Students may be provided with a copy of the slideshow. 
  • Students may work with another student who reads the passages aloud to them.
  • Students may work with a partner or group to identify improvements necessary for each passage.

Background / Preparation

Teachers should have taught the associated activity, Defining Clear, Coherent Language Suitable for Audience and Purpose so that students know the criteria for clear and coherent language that is suitable for a specific audience and purpose. The teacher may need to review the terms pronoun, antecedent, and transition with the students. 

Students should know criteria that make language clear, coherent, and suitable for a specific audience and purpose, and be familiar with the terms pronoun, antecedent, and transition.

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Materials and Resources



  • Digital device with internet access