Defining Useful and Credible Audio Sources

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts


9, 10


Before finding and using audio sources to obtain information, students must define the academic vocabulary in the standard. Students will brainstorm types of audio sources and define the terms useful and credible. They will review characteristics that make a source useful and credible.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Use audio sources to obtain useful and credible information to answer a question, solve a problem, or defend a position.



  • Audio sources
  • Useful information
  • Credible information


Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • Credible information is accurate and reliable.
  • Information learned through listening can be used to answer a question, solve a problem, or defend a position.


Students are able to:
  • Assess the credibility of information from an audio source.
  • Respond to information obtained through listening by answering a question, solving a problem, or defending a position.


Students understand that:
  • Listening actively can help them determine if the speaker's ideas are useful and credible to the given occasion.
  • They can use the information they learn from listening to others speak for a variety of purposes.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Use audio sources to obtain useful and credible information to answer a question, solve a problem, or defend a position.



  • Audio sources
  • Useful information
  • Credible information


Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • Credible information is accurate and reliable.
  • Information learned through listening can be used to answer a question, solve a problem, or defend a position.


Students are able to:
  • Assess the credibility of information from an audio source.
  • Respond to information obtained through listening by answering a question, solving a problem, or defending a position.


Students understand that:
  • Listening actively can help them determine if the speaker's ideas are useful and credible to the given occasion.
  • They can use the information they learn from listening to others speak for a variety of purposes.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will state types of audio sources for research.
  • Students will list characteristics that make a source useful and credible.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will make a copy of the Useful and Credible Audio Sources slideshow and prepare the technology needed to present this information to the students. 
  2. Using slide 2, the teacher will share the standard with the students: Use audio sources to obtain useful and credible information to answer a question, solve a problem, or defend a position.
  3. Using slide 3, the teacher will share the definitions of useful and credible
  4. Using slide 4, the teacher will ask the class to brainstorm types of audio sources and list these on the side. 
  5. Using slide 5, the teacher will review additional types of audio sources, many of which the students may have already identified. 
  6. Using slide 6, the teacher will ask students how they can determine whether a source is useful and credible and add student responses to slide 6. 
  7. Using slide 8, the teacher will review the PAARC criteria to remind students to use this acronym to determine if a source is useful (relevant) and credible. 
  8. Using Slide 8, the teacher will gather student responses on an exit ticket to the following prompts:
  9. List 3 types of audio sources you might use for research. 
  10. List 2 criteria that make a source credible. 
  11. Write 1 question you still have.

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will collect student responses to the exit ticket questions to determine if students can state types of audio sources for research and if they can list characteristics that make a source useful and credible.


Accelerated students may begin to search for collections of credible and useful audio sources online.



Students may be provided with a copy of the slideshow so that they may refer to definitions of useful and credible and to the brainstormed list of audio sources. 



Background / Preparation

Prior to this activity, the teacher should have presented the ALEX lesson on the PAARC test for evaluating sources.  These same criteria can be applied to audio sources. The teacher should make a copy of the Useful and Credible Audio Sources slideshow and be prepared to add student responses to Slide 4. The teacher should also determine the type of exit ticket that the student will complete.  The exit ticket could be an electronic form or a written response using a notecard or sticky note.

Prior to this activity, the students should be familiar with the PAARC criteria for evaluating sources (Purpose, Authority, Accuracy, Relevance, Currency).

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Materials and Resources

Teacher Materials: 

Student Materials: 

  • Digital device with Internet access
  • Pen or pencil (if using written exit ticket)