Evaluating Google Search Strategies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts


9, 10, 11, 12


After practicing strategies for refining a Google search, students will indicate which of the strategies were most effective. Students will rank the strategies using posters and sticky notes or a digital tool of the teacher’s choice. The teacher will lead a discussion about the rankings during which students share their experiences using the search strategies.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 11


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 12


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate and acquire credible, relevant, and useful information.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources
  • Relevant sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible, relevant, useful information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible, relevant, and useful information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.

Learning Objectives

Students will describe useful research tools and research strategies for using a search engine (Google).

Activity Details

1.Students will refer to handout, and teacher will display the 7 search strategies used in the During Activity:

  • Searching without quotation marks
  • Searching with quotation marks
  • Site:
  • Minus / Hyphen
  • AND / OR
  • Tools
  • Filters

2. The teacher will ask students to silently jot down which of these strategies they are most likely to use to answer research questions. 

3. Using the tool of the teacher’s choice, students will share their rankings. 

4. Students may view the rankings online (digital tool) or participate in a gallery walk where they observe how their classmates have ranked the digital tools. 

5. The teacher will lead a class in a discussion of each tool:

  • “Who gave this tool a high ranking? Please explain why”
  • “Who gave this tool a low ranking? Please explain why.”

Assessment Strategies

  • The teacher will assess class discussion as well as student participation in the ranking task.
  • The teacher will review students’ written and verbal responses to ensure the students were able to describe research tools and strategies for effectively utilizing a search engine. 



Accelerated students could be chosen to share the reasons behind their rankings. 





Students who need support could discuss their rankings with other students before sharing with the class.



Background / Preparation

Teachers should have taught the During activity on Using Search Engines Effectively.  Teachers should decide how students will share their rankings of the tools. This can be done using a digital tool such as Mentimeter, Slido, or Padlet. Teachers could also do this using poster paper and sticky notes.  

Students should have completed the During activity on Using Search Engines Effectively and be prepared to share their experience with the search strategies.

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources


  • Poster paper (1 per group) and sticky notes (6 per student) OR digital tool for ranking strategies (Mentimeter, Slido, Padlet, etc.)


  • Digital Device
  • Response document for Searching With Google Tools and Strategies