Identifying Database Advanced Search Tools

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts


9, 10, 11, 12


A quick database search may yield thousands of results. Using advanced search tools can help students narrow down these results and find relevant sources. In this activity, students will explore the Advanced Search tools and research strategies for one database and answer questions on helpful features.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 11


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate credible sources.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 12


Use a variety of search tools and research strategies to locate and acquire credible, relevant, and useful information.



  • Search tools
  • Research strategies
  • Credible sources
  • Relevant sources


Students know:
  • Methods to use search tools, such as library databases and search engines.
  • Research strategies, such as keyword search and boolean search.
  • Strategies to locate credible, relevant, useful information that is accurate and reliable.


Students are able to:
  • Use various search tools and research strategies to find credible, relevant, and useful information.


Students understand that:
  • There are multiple strategies and tools to use when researching a topic.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will recognize a variety of database advanced search tools such as term, field, keyword, subject, Boolean, full-text, and wildcard
  • Students will use research strategies to locate information.


Activity Details

1. The teacher will tell students that they will be learning how to use advanced search tools and research strategies to optimize their search results in Alabama Virtual Library Databases. 

2. The teacher will tell students that while the two videos they will watch focus on one database, most databases have similar advanced search tools. 

3. The students will watch the following videos: 

4. The students will answer the questions while watching the videos: Video Questions_Advanced Searching Parts 1 and 2

5. The teacher may review the answers to the questions with the class. 


Assessment Strategies

The teacher will observe student engagement with the video and verify that students have correctly answered the questions about the search tools and research strategies by referring to the ANSWER KEY.



Accelerated students may answer the questions by exploring the advanced search without watching the video.


Students who need intervention may be provided the videos for review.

Background / Preparation

Teacher Preparation:

The teacher should have knowledge of Alabama Virtual Library databases and how to conduct a search. The teacher should decide how the videos will be shared (viewed as a whole class, viewed individually on student devices) and how the questions will be answered (print copies of question handouts, or questions posted to the learning management system). 

Student Preparation:

Students should know how to access the Alabama Virtual Library and have basic knowledge of research databases.


Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Materials and Resources

Teacher Materials:

Student Materials: 

  • Digital device with internet access 
  • Access to Advanced Searching Videos
  • Print or digital copy of Video Questions