The Power of Teamwork

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
English Language Arts


3, 4


This activity provides resources meant to engage and inform students about the importance of teamwork in everyday life as well as academic life. Students will be shown a short video to spark a discussion about the benefits of working collaboratively with fellow peers to accomplish a goal. Students will communicate key ideas from their discussion using a digital tool selected by the teacher.


Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


Communicate key ideas and details collaboratively in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains, using digital tools.



  • key ideas
  • informs
  • persuades
  • entertains
  • communicate
  • digital tools
  • collaborate
  • online environment
  • tutorial
  • artifact


Students know:
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.
  • that digital tools are available that enable them to entertain others.
  • how to locate directions or tutorials for working in digitial tools.
  • that communication has a specific purpose and audience.
  • that collaboration in digital tools can occur 24/7 in various locations.


Students are able to:
  • design communications using various digital tools that informs, persuades, and/or entertains.
  • locate and follow directions or tutorials for working with digital tools.
  • explain the purpose of an artifact they create.
  • collaborate with peers in an online environment.


Students understand that:
  • various digital tools are available to communicate key ideas and details.
  • directions or tutorials can be located online to assist with creation.
  • all communication has a purpose.
Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 4


Use basic features of digital tools to communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs and/or persuades.



  • digital tools
  • communicate
  • key ideas
  • informs
  • persuades


Students know:
  • digital tools are available that enable them to inform others.
  • digital tools are available that enable them to persuade others.


Students are able to:
  • use basic features such as headings, text, and images to communicate key ideas that inform and/or persuade.


Students understand that:
  • digital tools can be used to communicate by informing and/or persuade others.

Learning Objectives

The learner will utilize active listening skills during discussions with a small group.

The learner will collaborate with classmates to communicate key ideas using the basic features of the selected digital tool.

Activity Details

This activity is intended as a whole group or small group activity. Students will need a partner for the turn & talk portions.

  1. Students will watch The Power of Teamwork video. The teacher needs to preview the video and decide whether to show just the first clip or the entire compilation of teamwork examples. If only showing the first clip, stop the video at 2:10 minutes.
  2. Whole Group Discussion: The teacher will facilitate a discussion of the importance of working as a team, based on the examples provided by the video clip.
  3.  Students will be split into five groups and given a teamwork card. The groups will discuss how teamwork is vital in the picture. (The teamwork cards are on slides 2-6 of The Power of Teamwork Slideshow Cards.)
  4. The students will record the key ideas from their small group discussion using a collaborative digital tool, such as Google Slides, Jamboard, or Padlet. 
  5. Each group will present the teamwork card they received and explain the importance of teamwork in the photo using the key ideas they recorded using the digital tool.


Assessment Strategies

Students will be assessed through teacher observations and discussions with group members.

The teacher should ensure that each student utilizes active listening skills during their small group discussion to communicate effectively.

The teacher will evaluate the key ideas recorded using the selected digital tool. The teacher should ensure that students are able to communicate effectively using the basic features of the selected digital tool.




Students could create their own teamwork cards. They would illustrate an example of people working together and provide a brief one-paragraph description of the importance of teamwork in their picture.


Students struggling could pair with the teacher for one-on-one instruction.


Variation Tips

GEM-U Strategy: 

This activity provides the opportunity for girls to collaborate and communicate with one another while completing The Power of Teamwork Cards. During this small group session, students will work to respectfully listen to their peers' opinions and confidently express their own. Girls will build confidence and performance by presenting their perspectives on teamwork to the class

Background / Preparation

Students should be familiar with working cooperatively in a small group setting. The teacher should have an understanding of how to use a computer or interactive whiteboard to project a video. The teacher should preview The Power of Teamwork video and decide whether to show just the first clip or the entire compilation of teamwork examples. The teacher will need to print slides 2-6 from The Power of Teamwork Slideshow Cards onto computer paper before beginning the lesson. The teacher will need to select a collaborative digital tool for students to use, such as Google Slides, Jamboard, or Padlet.

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

0 to 15 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources

Digital materials:

  • The Power of Teamwork Video
  • The Power of Teamwork Slideshow Cards
  • Teacher computer and projector or interactive whiteboard with projector capabilities
  • Digital devices for students (students could share a device within their groups)
  • Collaborative software/application (such as Google Slides, Jamboard, or Padlet)
