Graphic Texts in Action

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




With the help of the school librarian, students will use a library database and search filters to locate a graphic text on a teacher-approved topic. They will engage with the graphic text in order to analyze and evaluate the information. Finally, they will record and share their analysis responses and textual evidence with the teacher using a digital document.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Analyze and evaluate information from graphic texts to draw conclusions, defend claims, and make decisions.



  • Graphic texts
  • Draw conclusions
  • Defend claims
  • Make decisions


Students know:
  • Graphic texts include information like tables, graphs, charts, digital dashboards, flow charts, timelines, forms, maps, and blueprints, that can be used to draw conclusions, defend argumentative claims, and make decisions.


Students are able to:
  • Identify and analyze information presented in graphic texts.
  • Draw conclusions, defend claims, and make decisions using information learned from graphic texts.


Students understand that:
  • Graphic texts can be "read" and analyzed using the same skills used to analyze printed texts.
  • Information learned through graphic sources can be used to draw conclusions, defend claims, and make decisions.

Learning Objectives

The students will:

  • locate and select a graphic text on a topic of their choice (with teacher approval), using a library database.
  • read and analyze the graphic text.
  • draw conclusion(s) based on the information presented.
  • defend their conclusions using evidence from the graphic text.

Activity Details

The teacher will:

  1. Introduce the librarian and the learning activity to provide context, referring back to the Take a Look at Graphic Texts activity already completed.

The librarian/teacher will:

  1. Ask the students to look back at the 3 example graphic texts from the previous activity and tell where they were found (Gale Opposing Viewpoints).
  2. Explain that today they will be using that same database to locate a graphic text of their own to read, analyze and evaluate.
  3. Using a projector or interactive whiteboard, demonstrate how to navigate to the Alabama Virtual Library, click High School, and scroll down until they see the correct database (Gale in Context:  Opposing Viewpoints).  Note that the name appears slightly different here than in the source citation of the three text examples. Click the icon.
  4. Model how to either use the Browse Topics feature or the Search feature to locate a topic of their choice. Let students try both options.
  5. Show how to use the filters to narrow down the results to either Statistics or Infographics.  Also consider narrowing the documents to a specific time period, such as after the year 2018, if desired.
  6. Allow the students time to select their desired graphic text as you circulate the room and provide assistance as needed.  
  7. Demonstrate how to use the Get Link feature to copy a permanent link to the document. Explain that using the URL from the navigation bar will not work when using a database with restricted access.
  8. Once all students have located a document and know how to access the permanent link to that document, turn the instruction back over to the teacher.

The teacher will:

2.  Provide students time to access the shared form Graphic Texts in Action. and answer the questions after reading and analyzing their selected graphic text.  Verify that you have access to their responses.

Assessment Strategies

Collect student responses from the form according to your classroom procedures. 

Determine if:

  • they located a graphic text following instructions.
  • their conclusions and evidence are supported by the graphic text. 

Assign points according to your grading procedures.


Allow students who are familiar with the Alabama Virtual Library to select a different database and use the Advanced Search feature to locate a graphic text on their own (example:EBSCOhost Search).


  • As the librarian instructs, circulate among the students and give direct support to individuals as needed.
  • Pair students and give them time to verbally explain their graphic text to their partner before completing the questions on the form. 
  • Lead the class, or a small group of students who need extra support through the form, reading and discussing each question and providing time to answer. 


Variation Tips






Background / Preparation

Teacher Preparation: 

  • Ensure that students are familiar with graphic texts and their interpretation by completing Take a Look at Graphic Texts learning activity before this activity. 
  • Schedule a time with the school librarian to lead the class as they use Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints, a database on the Alabama Virtual Library, to locate a graphic text on the topic of their choice. Prepare the classroom for the librarian to project their screen as they lead the class. 
  • Keep the three graphic text examples from the previous activity available for students to view.
  • Edit and/or prepare the Graphic Texts in Action form so that the response settings are to your preferences and be prepared to share it with students electronically. Note that the link to the form links to the associated Google Sheet/Responses portion.  Once you have made a copy, select Tools, choose Manage Form, click Edit Form, and personalize the form to your needs. Be ready to review each student’s form as they share them with you and give them feedback (do you approve the topic of their choice?).
  • Read ahead to prepare to conduct Using Graphic Texts to Make Decisions after this activity. 

Student Preparation: 

  • Know how to treat the title of a document in MLA style. 
  • Be familiar with classroom procedures regarding accessing and submitting documents using the preferred learning management system or cloud based platform.
  • Bring electronic device to class.  

Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

46 to 60 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources

  1. School librarian
  2.  Internet-connected laptop or computer for each student
  3.  Internet-connected computer connected to a projector for teacher and/or librarian
  4.  Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints (scroll down to select the Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints button)
  5.  Graphic Texts in Action Form
  6.  Learning Management System or cloud-based platform (such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or email) for sharing documents and providing comments or feedback between the teacher and students