Music Concert: Multiplication and Division Part II

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





During this learning activity, students will solve a real-life task that allows students to create an array to find the total number of rows of chairs needed at a music concert. Students will write multiplication and division equations and solve them to complete the music concert task. This activity will help students see the relationship between multiplication and division.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 3


Solve word situations using multiplication and division within 100 involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities; represent the situation using models, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number.



  • Equal groups
  • Arrays
  • Measurement division
  • Factor
  • Product
  • Quotient
  • Partitive division
  • Represent
  • Unknown


Students know:
  • Multiplication situations can be related to division contexts by identifying the total number of groups and the number of items in a group.
  • Strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division.


Students are able to:
  • Use models, drawings, and equations to represent a multiplication or division situation.
  • Use symbols to represent unknownquantities in equations.
  • Solve word situations with multiplication and division within 100 involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.


Students understand that:
  • a word problem with an unknown product is a multiplication problem, and a word problem with an unknown number of groups or an unknown group size can be thought of as a division problem or a multiplication problem with an unknown factor.

Learning Objectives

Students will solve a word problem using multiplication and division involving arrays. 

Students will represent the problem using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number.

Activity Details

  1. The teacher will display the "Music Concert Activity" slides. 
  2. Before starting the activity, the teacher will show the title slide. The teacher will ask students, "What are you wondering? What do you think this problem is about?"
  3. The teacher will continue to go through the remaining slides. The teacher will need to make sure the students have their student notebooks for recording information. Slide 3 asks students to draw an array. You may ask your struggling students to build it with color tiles first. 
  4. The teacher will allow students to share their equations and answers to the questions on each slide. (This should spark a class discussion on the relationship between multiplication and division.)

Assessment Strategies

The teacher will assess the students as they share their equations and answers to check for understanding.

Background / Preparation

Students will need a student notebook or something to write on for recording. 

Color tiles will need to be provided to struggling students. They may build the array before they draw it. 

The teacher should preview the Music Concert task and provide a way to display the task.