M&Ms and Skittles

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area





In this activity, students have to use their knowledge of place value to determine the numbers being compared. Then, students will compare the numbers using the correct comparison symbol of <, >, or =.


Mathematics (2019) Grade(s): 2


Compare two three-digit numbers based on the value of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and < and orally with the words “is greater than,” “is equal to,” and “is less than.”



  • Equalities
  • Inequalities


Students know:
  • how to compare 3-digit numbers using the terminology "greater than," "equal to," and "less than".


Students are able to:
  • compare 3-digit numbers using place value concepts.
  • justify their reasoning as they compare numbers.


Students understand that:
  • the three digits of a 3-digit number represent groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Learning Objectives

I can compare two 3-digit numbers using the symbols <, >, and =.

Activity Details

  • The teacher will review arranging numbers from least to greatest. The teacher will say, "Arranging numbers from least to greatest means writing the numbers in an ordered list according to their values. The smallest number should be written on the left, with the next smallest number written to its immediate right. The process continues for all the given numbers, the largest of which should be on the right."
  • The teacher will use the following example to continue the review:

    Arrange the following numbers from least to greatest:






  • After the teacher is confident that the students understand how to arrange numbers from least to greatest, the teacher will distribute a copy of the activity titled M&Ms and Skittles to each student.
  • The students will listen as the teacher reads the task aloud.
  • The teacher will tell the students they MUST draw pictures, numbers, or words to answer the question of whether Chase is right or wrong.
  • After the students draw pictures, numbers, or words, they MUST compare the numbers using the correct comparison symbol of <, >, or =.
  • Students may use manipulatives such as base ten blocks or centimeter cubes to help them complete the task.
  • The teacher will walk around the room to observe the students as they complete the activity.
  • The teacher will ask for volunteers to prove whether Chase is right or wrong with comparison symbols.

Assessment Strategies

  • The teacher will observe students' responses to determine students' understanding of the concept and skill.
  • The teacher can use the following guidelines to ensure students meet the learning objective:

Check that the student:

  1. can correctly add tens and fives to determine the number.
  2. can correctly use place value to make a comparison.
  3. can use the <, >, or = symbol correctly when comparing numbers.

Variation Tips

  • For students who struggle with this activity, the teacher should provide a work buddy.
  • Students can build concrete models to assist them with this task.

Background / Preparation

  • Each student will need a copy of the M&Ms and Skittles task.
  • Students may need manipulatives such as base ten blocks or centimeter cubes to help them complete the task so the teacher will need to have these manipulatives available.

Learning Activity (Before)

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)