HSI: Historical Scene Investigation, Operation Puritans

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this activity, students will visit four different stations and study informational text about Puritan culture. Students will gain an understanding of Puritan themes and values based on an analysis of the documents. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit. 


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Compare and/or contrast the perspectives in a variety of fiction, nonfiction, informational, digital, and multimodal texts produced from diverse historical, cultural, and global viewpoints, not limited to the grade-level literary focus.



  • Fiction texts
  • Nonfiction texts
  • Perspectives
  • Informational texts
  • Digital texts
  • Multimodal texts
  • Historical viewpoints
  • Cultural viewpoints
  • Global viewpoints


Students know:
  • Strategies to identify the perspective of fiction, nonfiction, informational, digital, and multimodal texts.
  • Strategies to identify the historical, cultural, and global viewpoints of a variety of texts.
  • Methods to compare and contrast texts.


Students are able to:
  • Compare and contrast perspectives in fiction, nonfiction, informational, digital, and multimodal texts.
  • Compare and contrast diverse historical, cultural, and global viewpoints demonstrated in a variety of texts.


Students understand that:
  • The texts they read will have a variety of historical, cultural, and global viewpoints, which offer a multitude of perspectives on different topics.
  • Similar and different ideas and themes can be presented in a variety of textual formats.

Learning Objectives

1. Students will be able to determine the central idea of an informational text and provide specific details supporting that theme. 

2. Students will be able to identify the purpose of early-American informational texts. 

Activity Details

1. The instructor gives expectations for working in groups and splits students into four stations (for larger classes, an instructor can make two stations per document for a total of eight stations).

2. Students will rotate stations at intervals determined by the instructor. 

3. At each station, students will read the text and answer the questions for the appropriate document. Documents include Document A: The Mayflower Compact, Document B: "A Model of Christian Charity," Document C: "A Declaration of Remarkable Prudishness," and Document D: "The Arrival of Pilgrims on America." Answers should be recorded on the HSI Answer Sheet

4. As students are working, the instructor should rotate through the stations to ensure students are on task and responding correctly. This is also an optimal time to encourage student discussion in small groups. 

5. Students are completed with the activity once they have visited each station and responded to all questions. 

Assessment Strategies

Once all students have completed their answer sheets, complete an informal assessment by discussing findings with the students. This is a beneficial time to check for initial understanding and correct misconceptions.

The instructor can collect answer sheets and grade based on accuracy. For a quicker option, have students complete an exit slip describing the main values of Puritanism based on the texts studied. 

Variation Tips

Use the HSI Modified Answer Sheet for students who need additional support. Peer learners could also be assigned to the same group to assist struggling students. 

Background / Preparation

Prepare classroom by creating four station areas. Make copies of all handouts: answer sheet - 1 per student), informational texts (typically about 6-8; enough for each student at a station to have a copy).